

Best Answer

they both mean orbit or haves to do with it

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Q: How is revolution and year related?
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How long does one full revolution take?

One revolution takes 365 days. it takes one year to complete revolution.

How does rotation and revolution affect a day and a year?


How are the planets distances from the sun generally related to the length of their year and their period of revolution?

The distance a planet is from the Sun relates to the length of the planet's year because it determines the time it takes for the planet to complete one revolution around the Sun. A planet's "year" is the time taken to orbit the Sun once. The further a planet is from the Sun, the further it must travel to complete an orbit. Also, a planet moves more slowly when it is further from the Sun. The mathematical equation for all this is given by Kepler's "Third Law of Planetary Motion". Earth takes about 365.25 days to complete a revolution. So, our year is 365 days with 366 days in a "leap year".

How are planets distances from the sun generally related to the length of their year and their period of revolution?

The distance a planet is from the Sun relates to the length of the planet's year because it determines the time it takes for the planet to complete one revolution around the Sun. A planet's "year" is the time taken to orbit the Sun once. The further a planet is from the Sun, the further it must travel to complete an orbit. Also, a planet moves more slowly when it is further from the Sun. The mathematical equation for all this is given by Kepler's "Third Law of Planetary Motion". Earth takes about 365.25 days to complete a revolution. So, our year is 365 days with 366 days in a "leap year".

What is Earth's revolution in 1 year?

Earth completes one revolution around the Sun in approximately 365.25 days, causing the change in seasons. This period is known as a tropical year.

Related questions

How are the words revolution and year related?

Revolution means orbiting around another body. A year is a time for a planet to complete one orbit around the Sun. Explanation: The words revolution and year are connected as a result of a revolution.

How are revolution and year related?

it took 365 years to revovle

How is the distance of a planet from the sun related to its period of revolution?

The farther it is from the sun the longer its period of revolution (its "year").

How is the period of revolution of a planets related to its distance from the sun?

The farther it is from the sun the longer its period of revolution (its "year").

The period of revolution is related to?

the period of revolution is related to the semimajor axis.... :)

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round revolution basically means the revolution related to potato

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France was an Ally of the USA in the American Revolution.

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relation f physics to electronic revolution

Did the Reign of Terror happen during the American Revolution?

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yes golden revolution is abt honey...

Which revolution began in the year 1789?

The French Revolution.

What is the importance on 1774?

Its related with french revolution.