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Q: How is our atmosphere different from the venus and mars?
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The composition of Mars atmosphere strongly resembles the atmosphere of which planet?

The composition of Mars' atmosphere strongly resembles that of Venus, with both primarily made up of carbon dioxide. However, Venus has a much thicker atmosphere compared to Mars.

How are Mars and Venus different?

Mars is farther from the Sun, has a thin carbon dioxide atmosphere, and is known for its red color due to iron oxide on its surface. Venus, on the other hand, is closer to the Sun, has a thick toxic atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide, and is known for its extreme surface temperatures and clouds of sulfuric acid.

How are the atmospheres of Venus and Mars similar?

The atmospheres of Venus and Mars are both primarily composed of carbon dioxide. They also have very thin atmospheres compared to Earth, with Venus having a dense and hot atmosphere while Mars has a thin and cold atmosphere. Additionally, both planets do not have a breathable atmosphere for humans.

Why is it hotter on Venus than on Mars?

Venus is hotter than Mars because of its thick atmosphere mainly composed of carbon dioxide, which creates a greenhouse effect trapping heat from the sun. Mars has a much thinner atmosphere, which cannot retain heat as effectively. Additionally, Venus is closer to the sun than Mars, further contributing to its higher temperatures.

Why is earths atmosphere so different from those of mars and Venus?

Venus' surface conditions are different because of the atmosphere that venus has. Its atmosphere is mostly Co2 which is a greenhouse gas. This greenhouse gas allows the suns warmth to penetrate to the surface, but is unable to reflect back out into space. Therefor The heat is trapped between the atmosphere and the surface. Because of this the surface temperature of the Venus is a sweltering 860 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Over 95 percent of atmosphere of both Venus and mars is?

Mars has an atmosphere of about 95.72% carbon dioxide. Venus has an atmosphere of about 96.5% carbon dioxide

How big is Mars atmosphere?

Mars has a very thin atmosphere compared to Earth, with an average surface pressure of about 0.6% of Earth's. Its atmosphere is composed mostly of carbon dioxide, with trace amounts of nitrogen and argon. The atmosphere on Mars extends about 60 miles (100 kilometers) above the surface.

What planet's atmosphere is most carbon dioxide?

There are two such planets, Mars and Venus. Venus has a much thicker atmosphere than Mars, but both atmospheres are about 95% carbon dioxide.

How is our atmosphere differ from atmosphere on venus and mars?

Earth has oxygen they don't.

The composition of Mars atmosphere strongly resembles the atmosphere of which planet?

The composition of Mars' atmosphere strongly resembles that of Venus, with both primarily made up of carbon dioxide. However, Venus has a much thicker atmosphere compared to Mars.

How are Mars and Venus different?

Mars is farther from the Sun, has a thin carbon dioxide atmosphere, and is known for its red color due to iron oxide on its surface. Venus, on the other hand, is closer to the Sun, has a thick toxic atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide, and is known for its extreme surface temperatures and clouds of sulfuric acid.

Which planet has the most carbon dioxide atmosphere?

Venus has the most carbon dioxide atmosphere of any planet in the solar system, with about 96.5% of its atmosphere composed of carbon dioxide. This thick atmosphere contributes to the planet's extreme greenhouse effect and high surface temperatures.

What atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide?

Mars & Venus

Why would it be hard for humans to survive Venus and Mars Atmosphere?

Venus is very hot with poisonous gases in the atmosphere, Mars is very cold with a low atmospheric pressure.

What do mars and Venus have in common?

Mars and Venus are both terrestrial planets in our solar system, meaning they have solid surfaces. They also have similar sizes and compositions, primarily made up of rock and metal. Additionally, both planets have volcanoes and impact craters on their surfaces.

Who's atmosphere is mostly CO2?

Both Mars and Venus have atmosphere made mostly of carbon dioxide. The atmosphere of Venus is much denser.

How is Mars different from Venus?

ITS DIFFERT because mars is small and venus is big