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This is a fascinating question ! It makes you stop and try to

figure out what "ordinary" light might be.

ALL light is emitted by atoms.

That statement might possibly need some refinement for the case

where light and a bunch of other stuff comes pouring out of the core

of a star, or from the fireball of a nuclear weapon. But any light that

you and I have ever seen in the course of our daily lives has been

emitted by atoms.

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4mo ago

Light emitted by atoms is characterized by discrete wavelengths, known as spectral lines, that correspond to specific electron transitions within the atom. In contrast, ordinary light consists of a continuous range of wavelengths, producing a continuous spectrum. This difference is due to the quantized energy levels of electrons within atoms, leading to the emission of light at specific frequencies.

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12y ago

The question is stunning! Where do you imagine all the light you see

every day comes from ? It's all emitted from atoms.

We know how to produce radio waves by running current through wires,

up a cable, and out of an antenna, directly creating E & M fields that ripple

and wiggle out over vast distances. But no waves any shorter than those.

All the other electromagnetic radiation around us is the result of subatomic

particles ... mostly electrons ... hopping, skipping, jumping, and spinning

between the various energy levels in their respective atoms.

I'd be curious to know what you imagine to be 'ordinary' sources of light.

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