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No light comes from a black hole.

There are occasional bursts of X-rays from the accretion disk AROUND the black hole, we believe, caused as dust and gas are accelerated by gravity to nearly the speed of light. That's what we call the "event horizon"; the point at which falling mass is accelerated to lightspeed. Since the math for matter traveling at lightspeed doesn't make any sense, we say "We CAN'T know what happens".

Eventually, many years from now, we'll be able to examine the area around a black hole, but there are none nearby. EVERYTHING we think we know about black holes is based on mathematical theory, and it is highly probable that much of what we think we know is wrong.

Unfortunately, we don't know which parts.

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13y ago
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3w ago

Light can be created by black holes in a few ways. One mechanism is through the accretion disk surrounding the black hole, where matter falling in gets heated up and emits light. Another way is through the jets of high-energy particles that are expelled from near the black hole at close to the speed of light, producing radiation that can be detected in various wavelengths, including visible light.

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15y ago

According to accepted theory (based on Einstein's General and Special Theories of Relativity) there is no 'exit' - all the mass is slowly collected down to the singularity and from there physics has no idea what happens. Many theories have been put forward, but having no data to go on, it's presently unknowable.

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10y ago

Black holes are thought to be often accompanied by an accretion disk of extremely hot matter which is being drawn into the black hole (and given the rotation, swirling or spiraling in would be an apt description) and emitting radiation particularly in the signature high energy x-ray part of the spectrum. Black holes may also evidence a pair of polar jets emitting vast energy and particles at relativistic speeds - when such jets are aimed at earth these are believed to be markers of the most distant and powerful objects in the universe: quasars, or active galactic nuclei.

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13y ago

Light does not come out of a black hole. In artistic depictions of black holes they show Hawking radiation as two beams of light, coming out of the top and the bottom. This radiation is in the x-ray band, however, not the visible light spectrum. Hawking Radiation is a kind of thermal radiation which reduces the mass of black holes and is the only thing we know of that can escape their pull.

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12y ago

No, that's impossible. No light comes out from the Black Hole, because black hole sucks in light and trap it in there.

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13y ago

Light isn't created from a black hole but black holes have so much mass and gravity that everything- even light is sucked in.

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