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The main advantage of asexual reproduction is that you don't need to find a mate. If sexual species cannot find a mate, they cannot reproduce and their genes die with them. Asexual species can reproduce whenever they have food, however. No mate is required.

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Q: How is it better for the survival of the species for the Protozoa to produce asexually instead of sexually?
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Do flamingos reproduce sexually?

Yes, flamingos reproduce sexually. They engage in courtship behaviors, mate, and the female lays eggs that are fertilized by the male. The eggs are then incubated until they hatch.

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It increases the genetic diversity of the tree's offspring.

Why is it advantageous for redwood to reproduce sexually when it could reproduce asexually instead?

It increases the genetic diversity of the tree's offspring.

How is it better for the survival of the species for the protozoa to reproduce asexually instead of sexually?

Advantages of Asexual reproduction are as follows:This type of reproduction enable organisms to reproduce without a mate.It does not require the time and energy that takes to search a mate.It results in the reproduction of large number of offspring rapidly.Like in plants, it enables to spread and colonize an area in short period of time.Animals that are confined to one particular place and unable to look for a mate reproduce asexually.Stable environments with very little change are favorable for organisms to reproduce asexually.

What is the advantages of sexual reproductive?

You can transmit new genetic improvements to your offspring. For example, if there is a sudden famine, a species that produces sexually instead of asexually will be better able to have future generations adapt faster.

What method do prokaryotes use for cell reproduction?

Prokaryotes reproduce through a process called binary fission, where the cell's genetic material is duplicated and then the cell divides into two identical daughter cells. This results in rapid population growth in prokaryotic organisms.

Protozoa which are not capable of independent movement?

Non-motile protozoa rely on external forces for movement, such as water currents or host organisms. These protozoa typically lack structures like flagella or pseudopods that enable independent movement. Instead, they may adapt by attaching to a surface or living as parasites within a host.

Protozoa are heterotrophic This means they?

rely on other organisms for nutrients instead of producing their own through photosynthesis. Protozoa obtain their food by ingesting other organisms or by absorbing organic matter from their environment.

What do fern have instead of seeds?

Ferns reproduce through spores instead of seeds. These spores are produced on the underside of fern fronds in structures called sori. Spores are released into the environment and can germinate to grow into new fern plants.

Do all animals have sperm?

No, not all animals have sperm. Amoebas and some other protists are technically animals but reproduce asexually instead of with sperm and eggs.

Can an amoeba and hydra reproduce like human beings?

If I am correct, they are simple cell organisms, meaning they have no need of sexual reproduction. Instead, they bud, or asexually reproduce.