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The current evidence seems to support that the effects of the industrial revolution have caused the natural process to speed up dramatically. There is no way to stop global warming, but we can find ways to slow its current process.

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3mo ago

Global warming can be influenced by natural factors such as volcanic eruptions or changes in the sun's intensity. However, the overwhelming consensus among scientists is that human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, are the primary drivers of the current global warming trend.

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11y ago

Ninety-seven percent (97%) of all climate change scientists agree that global warming is caused by human activity. (Burning fossil fuels and deforestation, largely.)

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11y ago

Global warming IS being caused by human activity (fossil fuel burning, deforestation, bad agricultural practices releasing methane, etc).

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How many people think global warming is man made or natural?

The majority of climate scientists agree that global warming is primarily caused by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. While there may be differing opinions among the general public, scientific consensus overwhelmingly supports the idea that human activities are the main driver of global warming.

Do all scientists believe there is a link between human activity and global warming?

The majority of scientists agree that human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, are primary contributors to global warming. However, there may be some scientists who hold different views on this topic.

Did the atomic bomb create global warming?

No, the atomic bomb did not create global warming. Global warming is primarily caused by human activities that increase greenhouse gas emissions, which trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. The atomic bomb explosions released large amounts of energy and radioactivity, but did not directly contribute to global warming.

Is global warming a real phenomenon caused by human activities or is it contrived?

Global warming is a real phenomenon caused primarily by human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat and lead to a gradual increase in Earth's temperature, resulting in climate change impacts like rising sea levels and more extreme weather events. The overwhelming scientific consensus supports the reality of global warming and the need for urgent action to mitigate its effects.

Which human activity is MOST likely to be a contributing factor in global warming?

Burning fossil fuels for energy production and transportation is the most significant human activity contributing to global warming. This releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing Earth's temperature to rise.

Related questions

Do all scientists agree that global warming is being caused by human activity?


What is global warming about?

Global warming is caused by human activity. The planet is warming and this warming is changing the climate. Sea levels are rising and threaten many low-lying areas and cities permanently.

Why do some people disagree that global warming is caused by human activity?

The earth is doing it on its own people arnt the only ones.

What aspect of the global warming debate is there still a dispute remaining among scientists?

There is no dispute among reputable climate scientists. Just about all of them agree that global warming is happening, and it is being caused by human activity.

What human activity is NOT thought to be related to global warming?

walking and running

When do greenhouse gases become a problem?

Some would say that greenhouse gases are already a problem, contributing to human-caused global warming. Others would say they are not yet a problem and may never be. That is one of the main points of dispute on the issue of whether there is a problem of global warming caused by human activity.

Is global warming caused by sunspots?

No, global warming is primarily caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. While solar activity, including sunspots, can influence Earth's climate, it is not the main driver of current global warming trends.

Is global warming caused by humans or something you can control?

yes global warming is basisly caused by human we can control by using less electricity or less produce carbon dioxide!

Is global warming anthropogenic?

Yes, global warming is anthropogenic, which means 'caused by human activity'. Humans began burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) at the start of the Industrial Revolution, 200 years ago. Over the years this has added billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, and is the main cause of global warming.

Why is it said that global warming also involves politics?

Global warming is happening on its own, caused by human burning of fossil fuels and human deforestation. The politics involved are the timid responses of governments and their failures to do anything serious about stopping global warming.

What additional climate variables contribute to the picture of human-caused warming?

In addition to human caused variables that contribute to warming, there are several natural variables which also are major factors. These include solar activity, volcano activity and en nino activity.

What natural occurrences result in global warming?

None, really. The present global warming is being caused by human activity, namely, deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels.A natural occurrence that would cause global warming would be the earth moving closer to the sun, or hundreds of volcanoes emitting carbon dioxide for many months.