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Yes, both. In some regions of the Sun, mainly one method of heat transport is used, in others, mainly the other.

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Q: How is energy transported from the core to the surface of the sun with radiation and by convection?
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Does convection occur in the core of a star?

Yes, convection does occur in the core of a star. In the core, convection helps transport energy from the inner regions to the surface of the star. This process is crucial for mixing the stellar material and maintaining the overall stability and temperature balance of the star.

How does energy produced in the core of the sun reach the surface how long?

Mainly by radiation - however, the radiation quickly gets absorbed by an atom, and re-emitted, so it takes quite a while to reach the surface. In the outer part of the Sun, the energy also gets transported through convection.

The two most important processes by which energy is transported from the core of the Sun to the photosphere are?

The two most important processes are radiation and convection. In the inner layers of the Sun, energy is transported by radiation, where photons carry the energy to the surface. In the outer layers, convection takes over, where hot plasma rises, cools at the surface, then sinks back down to be reheated.

Where is the Convection zone located?

The convection zone in a star like the Sun is located just beneath the photosphere. It is the layer where energy generated in the star's core is transported to the surface via convection currents, providing the energy needed for the star to shine.

What are the three methods of energy transfer?

The three main methods of energy transfer are conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact of particles, convection involves the movement of fluids to transfer heat, and radiation is the transfer of energy through electromagnetic waves.

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How energy is transported from the core to the surface of the sun by radiation and by convection?

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How is energy transported from the core to the surface of the sun by radiation and convection?

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How energy transported from the core to the surface of the sun by radiation and by convection?

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How is energy is transported by radiation and convection from the core to the surface of the sun?

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How is energy transported from the core to the surface of the sun by radiation and by convection?

Energy is transported from the core to the surface of the sun by radiation through the radiative zone, where energy is carried by photons. In the convective zone, energy is transported through the movement of hot plasma circulating to the surface, helping to maintain the sun's temperature balance.

Layer that surrounds the radiation zone of the sun?

The layer that surrounds the radiation zone of the sun is the convection zone. In this zone, energy is transferred by the movement of hot plasma rising and cooler plasma sinking, creating a convection current. This process allows energy to be transported from the core to the surface of the sun.

Does convection occur in the core of a star?

Yes, convection does occur in the core of a star. In the core, convection helps transport energy from the inner regions to the surface of the star. This process is crucial for mixing the stellar material and maintaining the overall stability and temperature balance of the star.

How does the energy produced in the sun reach the surface?

Mainly by radiation - however, the radiation quickly gets absorbed by an atom, and re-emitted, so it takes quite a while to reach the surface. In the outer part of the Sun, the energy also gets transported through convection.

How energy moves through radiation zone and the convection zone?

The convective zone,energy is transferred much faster that it is in the radiative zone.

How does energy produced in the core of the sun reach the surface how long?

Mainly by radiation - however, the radiation quickly gets absorbed by an atom, and re-emitted, so it takes quite a while to reach the surface. In the outer part of the Sun, the energy also gets transported through convection.

Where energy from the core travels outward?

Energy from the core of a star travels outward through radiation and convection. In the radiation zone, energy is transported through the emission and absorption of photons. In the convection zone, energy is carried by the movement of hot gas or plasma.

The two most important processes by which energy is transported from the core of the Sun to the photosphere are?

The two most important processes are radiation and convection. In the inner layers of the Sun, energy is transported by radiation, where photons carry the energy to the surface. In the outer layers, convection takes over, where hot plasma rises, cools at the surface, then sinks back down to be reheated.