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It affects it by the intense clouds of high energy particles that it often contains which are produced by solar storms. When these clouds, called coronal mass ejections, make their way to the Earth in 3-4 days, they collide with the magnetic field of the Earth and cause it to change its shape.

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4d ago

Solar wind affects Earth's magnetosphere by causing geomagnetic storms that can disrupt satellites, power grids, and communication systems. It also contributes to the formation of auroras in the Earth's atmosphere near the poles. Additionally, solar wind can erode the outer layers of the Earth's atmosphere over geological timescales.

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15y ago

it deflects the winds and sends them somewhere else. go to to learn more if my answer wasnt good enough for you.

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12y ago

solar flares

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Q: How is earth affected by solar wind?
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The solar wind is a stream of charged particles emitted by the sun that can interact with the Earth's magnetic field.

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Solar wind moves through the interplanetary medium and interacts with Earth's magnetosphere.

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Tornadoes have nothing to do with protecting Earth from the solar wind. Convection currents in Earth's core create a magnetic field that protects against the solar wind.

What happens when solar wind approaches earths atmosphere?

When solar wind approaches Earth's atmosphere, it interacts with the Earth's magnetic field and can create auroras in the polar regions. The solar wind can also perturb the Earth's magnetosphere, leading to geomagnetic storms that can affect satellite communications and power grids.

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The shape of Earth's magnetic field is influenced by the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetosphere. The aurora borealis is a result of charged particles from the solar wind interacting with Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere near the poles, causing them to emit light. The solar wind, which is a stream of charged particles released from the sun, can distort the shape of Earth's magnetic field as it interacts with it.

What is the Difference between solar wind and earth wind?

the differenc between solor wind and earth wind is that earth wind comes from the earth its self, and solor wind comes the sun which causes the planets to space out from each other.

Sentence with solar wind in it?

The Earth's magnetic field helps protect our planet from the harmful effects of the solar wind, a constant stream of charged particles emitted by the Sun.

How is the solar energy transferred to earth affected by different materials on earth?

By the sun

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The ozone protects Earth from intense solar wind.

Why does most of the solar wind reach earth?

The solar wind emanates from the Sun and goes out past the orbits of the outermost planets, impinging on all the planets as it does so. The vacuum of space does not slow these ionized particles. However, where a planet has a magnetic field (such as the Earth), this protects the planet from the effects of the solar wind by deflecting the charged particles. Thus the solar wind does not reach the surface of the Earth.