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the blood is transported to all part of the body arteries when it is oxygenated in the lung (oxygenated/oxyhemoglobin blood).

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3d ago

Blood is transported to all parts of the body at the correct pressure through the pumping action of the heart, which creates the necessary pressure to push blood through the blood vessels. The blood vessels, such as arteries and capillaries, help regulate blood flow and pressure by constricting or dilating. Additionally, the body's autonomic nervous system and hormones play a role in regulating blood pressure to ensure adequate perfusion to tissues.

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Q: How is blood transported to all parts of the body at the correct pressure?
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What type of blood is usually transported in arteries?

Oxygenated blood with a high concentration of oxygen is usually transported in arteries. This blood is pumped by the heart to various parts of the body for distribution to tissues and organs.

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Fairly rapid death.

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Blood is transported from the right and left ventricles of the heart to all body parts by the arteries. These blood vessels carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the tissues and organs, supplying them with oxygen and nutrients for proper function.

Why is blood transported all through your body?

To carry oxygen and nutrients all parts of your body. Without it, those parts would die.

What is one substance carried from the body's cells by the blood?

Oxygen is carried by the red blood cells. The hemoglobin in the blood mixes with oxygen, and this is transported to other parts of the body.

What distrubutes blood to all parts of the body?

The Circulatory system transports food and oxygen in your blood. They are transported through the Blood Vessils.The Heart also Pumps blood all around the body.

Why are artery walls thick?

Arteries are blood vessels that transport blood, nutrients and OXYGEN to the body. All these substances have to get transported which is why they have more pressure to be forced to different body parts. Oxygen for example contains a lot of pressure. This supports the reason of the walls to be thick so that all the pressure does not cut or damage the arteries!

What substances are transported by blood?

oxygen is brought to the other parts of the body and carbon dioxide are removed.digested food are also brought to the other parts of the body and waste materials are removed from them, all this through the blood stream.

How does the blood reaches to all parts of the body?

It reaches all parts of the body because it is transported there by the 'Cardio vascular system' , a network of pipes (the arteries and veins) and a pump (the heart).

How organs are transported around the body?

Organs are transported around the body through the circulatory system. The heart pumps blood, carrying oxygen and nutrients, to all parts of the body. This blood flow allows organs to receive vital substances and remove waste products.

How are nutrients transported to various parts of the body?

Nutrients are transported to various parts of the body through the bloodstream. After digestion, nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream from the small intestine and then carried to different tissues and organs where they are needed for various functions. The circulatory system, with the help of blood vessels, plays a crucial role in distributing nutrients to all parts of the body.