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Household dust is made of material that comes from people, pets, and household items. It includes, among other things, bits of dust, hair, dead skin cells, and the feces of insects and mites.

Volcanic ash consists of tiny shards of glass that form from rapidly cooling droplets of molten rock.

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Q: How is ash from volcano different from household dust?
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Related questions

How is ash different from ordinary household dust?

ash comes from a volcano while household dust comes from a house.

How is ash different then household dust?

it has a sharp, crystalline structure.

What is the purpose of ash and dust from a volcano?

Ash and dust have no propuse, but the ash and dust comes from parts of the mantle that were not fully melted, or if the volcano caved in at any one point in time.

What is volcano dust?

The "dust" from a volcano, more properly called ash, consists of tiny pieces of rock and glass blasted out when a volcano erupts explosively.

What is the ash cloud of a volcano called?

The ash cloud of a volcano is called a volcanic plume or eruption cloud. It consists of ash, gases, and steam that are emitted during a volcanic eruption and can travel long distances depending on wind conditions.

Why does dust come out of a volcano after it erupts?

During a volcanic eruption, the intense heat and pressure inside the volcano causes rocks to melt and turn into magma. When this magma reaches the Earth's surface, it cools rapidly and solidifies into tiny rock fragments and ash, which is what we see as dust coming out of the volcano.

How is ash different from household dust?

Roman Catholic AnswerIf you are referring to the ashes imposed on your forehead on Ash Wednesday. They are the blessed ashes taken from the burning of the blessed palm branches used the previous Palm Sunday.

What type of boundary is a shield volcano?

is the type of volcano that often erupts with a mix of stream,ash,rock and dust causing a pyroclastic folw

List two ways an ash and cinder volcano different from a composite cone volcano?

I do not

Is volcanic ash pebble-sized particles?

Volcanic ash can vary in size from tiny particles like dust to larger particles like pebbles. The size of the ash depends on factors such as the type of eruption and the distance from the volcano.

Dust is dust and ash is ash?

It is a reminder that from dust we were created and to dust we shall return

What is a shield of a volcanos?

is the type of volcano that often erupts with a mix of stream,ash,rock and dust causing a pyroclastic folw