Yeadon Tarn is approximately 0.8 miles (1.3 km) around.
A glacial tarn is a small, mountain lake that forms in a cirque (bowl-shaped depression) created by a retreating glacier. Tarns are often clear and have a characteristic round shape. They are common features in glaciated landscapes.
Lake, mere, tarn, are three possibilities.
If you accidentally swallowed a small amount of Tarn-X, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Contact a poison control center or go to the nearest emergency room for further evaluation and treatment. Be prepared to provide information about the amount ingested and your current symptoms.
A cliff, a mountain, a ravine, a gorge, glacial valley, an arête, a cirque, a tarn. an escarpment are some possibilities.
A ' Tarn' is a mountain lake or pool formed in a cirque excavated by a glacier.
A tarn is a mountain lake, often formed by a glacier: The tarn near our cabin is almost always icy cold, we rarely go swimming but we do go fishing.
A tarn (or corrie loch) is a mountain lake or pool, formed in a cirque excavated by a glacier.
It's a tarn which was caused by ice grinding a cavity in the valley floor which has since filled with water
Nathaniel Tarn was born in 1928.
Tan Tarn How was born in 1960.
Gary Tarn was born in 1962.
Michael Tarn is 5' 8".
A tarn is a small mountain lake, especially in Northern England.
Tarn has written: 'Octavian, Antony and Cleopatra'
William Woodthorpe Tarn was born in 1869.
Mirepoix-sur-Tarn's population is 678.