A true change in color is almost always associated with a chemical change.
Here are a few examples of visual changes that are not color changes due to physical change.
Chemical change: When your toast changes from white to brown, the heat of the toaster has caused a chemical change in the outer layer of the toast.
Physical Change: When rain changes to snow, we have the impression that it appears different. Water appears transparent and snow appears white, but the difference is really a difference of how light is scatters from snow. (A white color normally means diffuse reflection.)
Chemical Change: Photochromic eyeglasses are normal transparent glasses which darken when exposed to sunlight. This is an example of reversible chemical change induced by light.
Physical Change: A rainbow will appear when water droplets form in air and this can provide a dramatic color appearance. In fact, the color is again not the color of the droplet but the way diffraction splits the light into different colors as seen by the observer.
A physical change that is associated with a true change in actual color (not a change in light scattering) is quite exotic and no good example of such a change has been given in this answer.
A rainbow is a physical change because it involves the dispersion and reflection of light within water droplets in the atmosphere, creating the appearance of a spectrum of colors. The colors are a result of the bending and separation of light as it passes through the water droplets, without any change in the chemical composition of the water or light.
a change in size, shape or the state of matter is a physical change. True for A+.
physical change
Volume is a physical quantity not a change. However CHANGE in volume is a physical change.
It is a physical change because it is still a sheet of paper.
Ordinary yellow sunlight becomes a rainbow when different frequencies of light are bent in slightly different directions.
It is simple to change the Uv Rainbow Balls body jewelry.
Crumple is a physical change.
No, you can't slide down a rainbow. Rainbows are formed by the refraction and dispersion of sunlight in raindrops, so they don't have a physical surface to slide on. They are optical phenomena and not physical objects.
He had rainbow hair with legs as arms
feed it to your cat it changes its color to rainbow but is PERMANT!
a change in size, shape or the state of matter is a physical change. True for A+.
I Physical Change.
physical change
Volume is a physical quantity not a change. However CHANGE in volume is a physical change.