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A parastatal is typically formed by the government through legislation or executive order to undertake specific tasks on behalf of the state. It operates semi-autonomously but is ultimately accountable to the government. Parastatals are usually created to provide essential services or support government policies.

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Q: How is a parastatal formed?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of parastatal?

One of the advantages of parastatal is it receives financial support from the government since it is created in the interest of the public. One of the disadvantages is lack in government funding. In the event financial cutbacks are necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages of parastatals?

A parastatal is an agency or company that is partially or wholly controlled by the government. An advantage is that the company has the entire resources of the nation backing it, so one bad decision that might bankrupt and collapse a private company will not do so with a parastatal.

What are the functions of parastatal b odies in Kenya?

Parastatal bodies in Kenya typically perform government functions, such as providing essential services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure development. They also play a role in promoting economic development, overseeing key industries, and implementing government policies in various sectors of the economy. Additionally, parastatal bodies can serve as vehicles for public-private partnerships and investment in strategic projects.

What is a parastal organization?

A parastatal organization is one that has some authority in the government which is mostly political. Most of them will serve the country indirectly.

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Daniel Ngowi has written: 'Some issues in parastatal privatization in Tanzania' -- subject(s): Privatization

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Kay Muir has written: 'Maize marketing in east and southern Africa: increasing the efficiency parastatal systems'

What are advantages of parastatal?

A parastatal is an agency or company that is partially or wholly controlled by the government. An advantage is that the company has the entire resources of the nation backing it, so one bad decision that might bankrupt and collapse a private company will not do so with a parastatal.

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A Civil Servant is a Government worker who works in the core ministry while a Public servant is government worker who is a professional and works in Government agency or parastatal

Difference between parastatal and public corporation?

A parastatals is a government organization. They do what the government tells them. A public corporation is owned by the members of the public, via shareholding.

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