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There are 64 codons, that code for only 20 amino acids. This make the genetic code redundant - because different codons can code for the same amino acid.

This provides some protection against mistakes - because a replacement of a single base may end up coding for the same amino acid - causing no change to the final protein product.

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13y ago
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16y ago

It means that some amino acids can be specified by more than one codon. Another term for this is the genetic code is degenerate.

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11y ago

Even though two codons can code for 1 amino acid, neither ever specifies any other aminos.

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13y ago

the code presents a tremendous stability and regularity to genetic processes.

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13y ago

Redundant: Some amino acids can be specified by more than one codon.

Unambiguous: Each codon specifies a particular amino acid and only that amino acid.

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13y ago

An amino acid can have more than one three letter codon coding for it Google codon table and you will see this happen.

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12y ago

it is faster and clearer in one method

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Some changes in DNA sequence do not change the corresponding protein because of redundancy in the genetic code. This means that multiple codons can code for the same amino acid, providing a buffer against some mutations. Additionally, silent mutations can occur where a nucleotide change does not affect the amino acid sequence due to the degeneracy of the genetic code. Lastly, changes in non-coding regions of DNA do not impact protein sequences but can still affect gene regulation.

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why genetic code is arbitraryif yesthen prov ur anser

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