

How is a flower in science?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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9y ago

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its because, the whole earth is science so are the things on it.

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Q: How is a flower in science?
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Does a flower come from the life science or the earth science?

A flower is a living thing, so it belongs to the life sciences. The beauty of a flower is also applied to some minerals, and these are known e.g. as flowers of sulfur.But these are of course not real flowers.

What is a hypothesis for a double colored flower science fair project?

A hypothesis could be: "If different color pigments are present in the flower petals, then crossbreeding two different colored flowers will result in a flower with both colors present."

Which field of science is related with the study of Floriculture?

Study of flower yielding plants

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The scientific name for white sunflower is Helianthus annuus.

What is the root of the flower for?

This question is a good question for a science fair project on flowers. The root of a flower shoots nutrients into the stem that makes the nutrients go into the leaves. This way if the flower needs nutrients it takes it from the leaves.

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It's by the blue watering can at the bottom of it on the table

What study of flower called?

The science of plants is known as botany, a branch of Biology that deals with plant life

Science fair question dealing with music?

How does playing music affect the growth of a flower. It works actually.

Which part of the plant makes food for bees?

Bees collect nectar from flowers, which is a sugary substance produced by plants. They also collect pollen, which they use as a protein source. Bees use these resources to make honey, which serves as their primary food source.

Do Bach flower remedies actually work?

Bach flower remedies are formulations of flower materials diluted in a 50:50 solution of brandy and water. Science rejects these remedies as quackery, however many people report good results when using them.

Is the water lily a perfect or imperfect flower?

Water lilies are considered to have imperfect flowers because they have separate male and female reproductive parts on different flowers.