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It's a mass of hard rock that has resisted erosion even though the plateau around it has been destroyed. The Uluru is an example. :)

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1mo ago

Inselbergs in the desert are formed through a process called differential weathering, where softer surrounding rock erodes over time, leaving behind a more resistant rocky outcrop. These rocky outcrops then become exposed due to further erosion from wind and water, creating the characteristic isolated hill-like formations seen in desert landscapes.

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Australia's most famous inselberg, or monolith, is Uluru, or Ayers Rock, in central Australia.

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A desert arch is formed by the action of wind carried sand grains abrading a weakness in the rock.

What desert formed the central boundary of the Roman Empire?

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What country is Uluru in?

The giant monolith, or inselberg, Uluru is in Australia. Though commonly thought to be the largest inselberg in the country, it is, in fact, second to Mt Augustus.