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If you are asking the effects of improper trash disposal at the time of the flood, then Contamination of the water supply is the effect.

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1mo ago

Improper trash or garbage can clog storm drains and waterways, inhibiting the flow of water during heavy rainfall and increasing the risk of flooding. This debris can create blockages that prevent water from draining properly, leading to localized flooding in areas with inadequate drainage systems. Additionally, littered trash can exacerbate flood damage by impeding rescue and recovery efforts.

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Q: How improper trash or garbage affect flood?
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How does garbage effect the ecosystem?

The trash Pollutes The Water And Water Pollution Affects The Animal In It.( ;

How are lysosomes like a garbage collector?

Lysosomes are like a garbage collector because they contain enzymes that break down waste materials such as worn-out cell parts, foreign substances, and toxins. These enzymes help digest and recycle these cellular waste products, similar to a garbage collector removing and processing trash to keep the cell clean and functioning properly.

How does trash affect weather?

Trash can affect weather in several ways, such as contributing to air pollution when burned, trapping heat and raising temperatures in urban areas, and obstructing natural drainage systems leading to flooding during heavy rains. Additionally, the production and disposal of trash contribute to greenhouse gas emissions which can exacerbate global climate change.

How does rubbish affect global warming?

If the garbage contains organic matter this will rot, releasing either carbon dioxide (if it rots in the air (aerobicly)) or methane (if it rots without oxygen (anaerobicly)). Both these gases are greenhouse gases. Methane is an especially powerful greenhouse gas, 21 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. Trash does not directly affect global warming. Indirectly it is affected by the manufacture and distribution of goods, once purchased and used, becomes trash. To reduce this effect, we need to consume less, so there will be less manufacturing and transporting by burning carbon fuels, and of course we'll use less open land to dispose of our trash. Unfortunately, the trend so far is in the opposite direction. It may take several more generations before this is realized by the general public.