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Q: How human made objects traveled to Jupiter?
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How human made objects traveled on Jupiter?

Human-made objects, such as spacecrafts, have traveled to Jupiter by using powerful rockets and gravitational assists from other planets to build up enough speed to reach Jupiter's orbit. Once in orbit around Jupiter, spacecrafts can use the planet's gravity to slingshot them closer for further study. Advanced propulsion systems and navigation techniques are also utilized for precise maneuvers and data collection.

Have humans or human-made objects traveled to by or on it?


Have humans or man made objects traveled Eris or on it?

the voyager has traveled by iy

Have human made objects traveeld by Neptune?

Have human or human made objects travel to neptune

Have humans or human-made objects traveled to mars?

Yes, human-made objects have traveled to Mars. NASA has successfully deployed several robotic missions on Mars, including the Mars rovers like Sojourner, Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity, and the lander InSight. However, humans have not physically traveled to Mars yet.

How did they figure out how fast light traveled?

One of the earliest measurements was made by observing the orbits of the moons of Jupiter.

Does Neptune have human or human made objects on it?

No, Neptune does not have human or human made objects. It is to cold on Neptune so therefore, nobody has ever been on Neptune.

What are human made objects called?

Human-made objects are typically referred to as artificial or man-made. These objects are created by humans for various purposes and can range from simple tools to complex machinery.

Have humans or human-made objects traveled to by or on Pluto?

Not yet. The New Horizons space probe, launched in 2006, will fly by Pluto in June 2015. Humans themselves have only been as far as the moon.

Have humans or human made objects traveled on by or on Pluto?

Humans have never gone farther than the moon. In 2015 the New Horizons space probe made a flyby of Pluto. It was the first time any man-made object has come close to Pluto.

How many foot steps are their in all on Jupiter?

No human has ever set foot on Jupiter. but Jupiter is made of gas so its impossible to set foot on it

Have any humans or human made objects traveled to Eris?

None. There are not even any plans in development to visit Eris. Humans have never gone farther than the moon. Pluto is the most distant object visited by a man-made object.