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A "star" must produce energy via fusion.

This is a nuclear reaction in which nuclei (usually hydrogen) ram together at a high enough speed to form a nucleus with more protons than either of the original nuclei. For instance, a proton/neutron nucleus might smash into another proton/neutron nucleus and forming a nucleus of two protons and two neutrons.

This reaction can only be self-sustaining if there is enough energy during the reaction to end up as heat in other nuclei, which then blast into other nuclei and cause more fusion reactions. Because of that, there must be a fairly dense amount of fusionable material at a high temperature in order for a star to form.

The minimum temperature needed to permit fusion is about 8 million degrees Kelvin. Minimum densities would have to be about 10^15 particles per cubic centimeter, on the order of atmospheric pressure.

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A star is formed when a cloud of gas and dust in space collapses under gravity and its core reaches temperatures of around 10 million degrees Celsius, initiating nuclear fusion. This process ignites the star and it begins shining with its own light.

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