It depends. Steam from an eruption may rise several thousand feet into the air. Eruption columns, which are composed of ash rather than smoke, may be several miles tall. The very tallest may be over 20 miles high.
Typically, high viscosity, high gas magma results in a Plinian (explosive) eruption. The gas pulverizes the magma into ash and may form lateral pyroclastic flows.
Yes. Composite volcanoes often have a high gas content in their magma, which is why they often erupt explosively.
Cinder cone volcanoes typically have a high gas content due to the gas-rich magma that erupts explosively, creating ash and cinder deposits around the vent.
high viscosity and dissolved gas
When a volcano throws lava into the air, it is called a lava fountain or a lava fountain eruption. This happens when gas bubbles within the lava force it out of the volcano's vent, causing it to shoot upward in a fiery display.
Typically, high viscosity, high gas magma results in a Plinian (explosive) eruption. The gas pulverizes the magma into ash and may form lateral pyroclastic flows.
Yes. Composite volcanoes often have a high gas content in their magma, which is why they often erupt explosively.
Cinder cone volcanoes typically have a high gas content due to the gas-rich magma that erupts explosively, creating ash and cinder deposits around the vent.
high viscosity and dissolved gas
When a volcano throws lava into the air, it is called a lava fountain or a lava fountain eruption. This happens when gas bubbles within the lava force it out of the volcano's vent, causing it to shoot upward in a fiery display.
A volcano " vents " gas when pressure builds up
A volcano with felsic magma and high viscosity will likely have explosive eruptions due to the build-up of pressure from gas bubbles being trapped within the thick magma. This can lead to violent eruptions with ash, gas, and volcanic rocks being ejected forcefully from the volcano.
A volcano can interrupt by releasing ash, gas, and lava which can cause destruction to surrounding areas. Additionally, volcanic eruptions can lead to earthquakes and tsunamis which can further disrupt the environment and communities.
Galeras volcano is a composite volcano. It is characterized by its steep slopes and explosive eruptions due to its viscous lava and high gas content.
Gas is stored in the Magma chamber at the bottom of the volcano, along with the magma.
When magma rises through the conduit of a volcano, dissolved gases in the magma are released as pressure decreases. As the magma nears the surface, the decreasing pressure causes the gases to form bubbles, which can get trapped within the magma. When the volcano erupts, these trapped gases are released explosively, propelling ash, gas, and lava into the air.
depends if you are talking about a forced gas such as a high pressure nozzle blowing the gas out or diffusion of a gas into the air, the first depends on pressure, the second depends on heat