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There is no evidence that they have adapted. Polar bears now have to spend more time on land, during the lengthening summers, where they can no longer hunt for seals, their main food source. There are reports that they are competing with land bears for food, with little success.

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Q: How have polar bears adapted to a melting ice cap?
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Are polar bears extinct or threatened?

polar bears are an endangered species (which means they are threatened) parts of the arctic cap are melting because of global warming, and that is where they live. Polar bears are listed as "vulnerable, and are not an endangered species just yet. In fact, there is evidence that the population is on the rise.

How did polar bears overcome global warming?

They haven't. Polar bears are now a threatened species. If the polar ice cap goes, then so do the polar bears, as they rely on oceanic ice to secure their food.

How do you use the word ice cap in a sentence?

Global warming is on the rise again and the ice caps are melting rapidly.

What are glacier and polar ice caps?

this means that the polar bears habitat is melting because of global warming and climate change. other ways: the ice is melting because of climate change and global warming this means that polar bears are being extinct.

Will the polar bear live 20 years after the ice cap is gone?

probably but this is not proven many ice caps are melting which means polar\ bears cannot find food thus diying of starvation. basicaly polar bears arent on the endagered list. There is no evidence that shows the polar ice caps are melting away any faster than is expected normally. In 1922, scientists predicted the calamity of melted ice caps and rising sea levels. Didn't happen then, and most likely won't now. Polar bears are adaptable creatures, and would adjust most likely.

How have animals in the Arctic been affected by the ice cap melting?

An ice cap is ice over land. There is no ice cap in the Arctic. Arctic sea ice is melting, however, more and more each year, and this is threatening the existence of the polar bears who rely on the habitat of sea ice to build up their store of body fat to last them through the (lengthening) summers.

How do polar bears affect the environment?

Environmental change is affecting the polar bears because of the melting of the polar ice caps and the increasing temperatures. The melting of the ice caps will give the polar bears a lack of habitat and also no place to hunt for pray. And they are evolved to the cold weather so therefore Global warming will cause them to become extinct ! .. Poor Polar bears . We can reduce this chance by walking or cycling instead of driving a personal car. and if it is to far to walk or cycle take public transport. we can also do this by using renewable energy sources such as solar, tidal and wind power. And not use fossil fuels like gas, oil, petrol etc There is no tangible evidence of the ice cap melting any more than normal. In the Arctic summer it recedes, then refreezes in winter. The polar bears are not becoming extinct, their population is actually increasing in some populations.

What animals are in a ice cap biome?

polar bears, penguins, walrus, seals,and rrill

Would you find polar bears in Antarctica?

No. It's too cold and there is no food there for polar bears.No. they only live on the north polar ice cap.

How do polar bears use berries and leaves?

Not much. Contrary from all the other bear species, the polar bear is almost entirely carnivorous. Mostly out of necessity, not much grows in the high arctic and nothing grows on the polar ice cap, which is where the polar bears live.

Are polar bears rare and hard to find?

Polar bears are losing ground in the Arctic due to loss of the polar ice cap but not yet listed as endangered. They are considered a vulnerable species, however. In some areas they are still quite common.

What affects would a polar cap melting have on the sea?

oceans would rise submerging the land masses that we upon.