

Best Answer


-oolong leaves

-chrysanthemum flowers

-jasmine leaves

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Q: How have plants adapted to live in china?
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What plants live in dry climates?

Xerophytes: plants that are adapted to live in very dry climates

Do plants and fish live in this water?

yes they can if they are adapted to it

What plants live in China other than bamboo?

There is not any other plants in China, there is just bamboo.

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What animals plants and birds live in the Rocky mountains?

Only strong animals can live their because their bodies are adapted to that.

Compare plants that live in deserts with plants that live in the tundra biome?

Plants in the desert are adapted to hot, arid conditions with limited water availability. They often have thick, waxy coatings and deep root systems to conserve water. In contrast, plants in the tundra are adapted to cold, dry conditions with a short growing season. They tend to be low-growing with adaptations like hairy stems and leaves to insulate against the cold.

How water lily plants are adapted to live in water?

coz the have legs so they can swim hehehe

What plants have adapted?

All plants are adapted to photosynthesise also they rare adapted to store water in it's roots

What is the name given to plants that grows in desert conditions?

Plants that grow in arid conditions are called xerophytes. They have adapted to live with little water.

Why do plants that live in the Tundra stay so small?

Because they have adapted to grow sjort in order to survive.

What plants adaptation do plants have?

All plants are adapted to photosynthesise also they rare adapted to store water in it's roots

What plants are adapted to the Amazon rainforest and how?

There are a few different plants that can adapted to the amazon. All the plants have to be able to take a lot of rain.