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Humans have changed the natural environment to increase the risk of flooding by cutting down trees ( Deforestation ). The trees act as a kind of flood barrier as their roots take in some of the water and the trunk of the tree slows down ground flow.

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3mo ago

Humans have increased the risk of flooding by paving over natural surfaces with concrete and asphalt, which reduces the ground's ability to absorb water. Deforestation has also removed vital vegetation that helps to retain water and reduce runoff. Poor infrastructure planning, such as building in flood-prone areas or constructing barriers that redirect water flow, can exacerbate flooding risk.

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Q: How have humans changed the natural environment to increase the risk of flooding?
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How is natural environment is changed?

The natural environment can be changed in various ways, including deforestation, urbanization, pollution, climate change, and habitat destruction. These changes can have negative impacts on biodiversity, natural resources, ecosystems, and the overall health of the planet. It is important to take steps to protect and conserve the natural environment for future generations.

Which action would increase the amount of carbon in the environment?

Burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas increase the amount of carbon in the environment.

How does built up areas increase the risks of flooding?

Built-up areas increase the risk of flooding by increasing the amount of impervious surfaces like pavement and buildings, which prevent water from soaking into the ground. This leads to more runoff during heavy rain, overwhelming drainage systems and causing localized flooding. Additionally, urbanization can disrupt natural drainage patterns, increasing the likelihood of flash floods.

What role does the environment play in Darins theory of evolution by natural selection?

In Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, the environment is a key driver of the process. Organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their advantageous traits to the next generation. Environmental pressures, such as competition for resources or changes in climate, drive the process of natural selection by selecting for traits that increase an organism's fitness for survival.

What is the natural disaster that causes an excess of water?

Flooding or Hurricanes.

Related questions

Why is flooding a natural process of renewal for the natural environment?

because the flooding is renewing the soil in the ground

What plant life grows in a certain area if people have not changed the natural environment?

natural vegetation

How is natural environment is changed?

The natural environment can be changed in various ways, including deforestation, urbanization, pollution, climate change, and habitat destruction. These changes can have negative impacts on biodiversity, natural resources, ecosystems, and the overall health of the planet. It is important to take steps to protect and conserve the natural environment for future generations.

How does urban development increase flooding?

Urban development can increase flooding by replacing natural areas like forests and wetlands with impermeable surfaces like concrete and asphalt. This prevents rainwater from being absorbed into the ground, leading to increased runoff and overwhelming drainage systems. Additionally, urban development can disrupt natural water flow patterns, exacerbating flooding in downstream areas.

How do you prevent increase of chemicals in the environment?

You only use natural things

Which action would increase the amount of carbon in the environment?

Burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas increase the amount of carbon in the environment.

What is the effect of flooding to the environment?

This answer is opinion based, but the flooding is something that occurs naturally and the world has been living around it for a very long time. Flooding effects a lot of wild life and peoples homes, but over all, flooding is natural and we have to take appreciation of water into account because with out it we wouldn't even be here at all. I support flooding.

In general the probability of flooding decreases when there is an increase in the amount of?

When there is an increase in the amount of vegetation, such as trees and grasses, the probability of flooding decreases. Vegetation helps absorb and slow down rainfall, reducing the amount of water that runs off into rivers and streams. This can help prevent flooding by acting as a natural sponge and reducing the volume and speed of surface water flow.

What impact did Sumerian accomplishments have on other civilization?

unpredictable flooding of natural barriers for protection . Natural Resources limited.

What are the disturbances in natural ecosystems?


How have humans changed the natural environment around Coober Pedy?

The natural environment around Coober Pedy has taken on an eerie moonscape-like appearance. This is a result of the mullock heaps formed by the opal diggings.

What natural deposits help keep rivers from flooding?

leevees are natural desposits that help keep rivers from flooding. Hope it helped XD