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Q: How has human activity affected estuary ecosystems?
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How human affected the ecosystem?

Humans have affected ecosystems through activities such as deforestation, pollution, habitat destruction, and overexploitation of resources. These activities have led to loss of biodiversity, disruption of food chains, and changes in ecosystems that can have long-lasting negative impacts on both the environment and human society. It is important for humans to take steps to protect and restore ecosystems to ensure their sustainability for future generations.

Which is an example of a human activity harming a renewable resource?

Overfishing is an example of a human activity harming a renewable resource. It can lead to depletion of fish populations and disrupt the balance of marine ecosystems, making it harder for fish stocks to recover and reproduce.

What is an anthropogenic ecosystem?

ecosystems that have been altered by the influence of human activity through agriculture, forestry livestock grazing, home construction, and other activities.

Why it is useful to measure the effect of human activity on an environment?

Measuring the effect of human activity on an environment is important to understand the impacts on ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources. This information helps in implementing conservation measures, developing sustainable practices, and making informed decisions to protect the environment for future generations.

Is geography a noun?

Yes, "geography" is a noun. It is the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these.

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it is affected by human activity because the first Indians made their homes in the cave!!!

Which renewable resources are most affected by human activity and why?

Fisheries and forests are two renewable resources that are most affected by human activity. Overfishing and illegal fishing practices can deplete fish populations and disrupt marine ecosystems. Deforestation for agriculture, logging, and urbanization leads to habitat loss, threatening the biodiversity and health of forests.

What are long term effects if destructive human activity goes on unchecked?

it destroys ecosystems

Impact to ecosystems from human activity have sometimes been referred to as?

non-native ecologies.

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descride how an organism of your choise is negatively affected by human activity

What simalarities do forests and deserts have in common?

Forests and deserts are both ecosystems that support a diverse range of plant and animal species. They both provide habitats for wildlife and play important roles in maintaining ecological balance. Additionally, both ecosystems are affected by factors such as climate change, human activity, and natural disasters.

Is there any damage caused to ecosystems due to indiscriminate human activity?

There can be significant damage to ecosystems due to indiscriminate human activity. People who litter or pollute the air are damaging the beauty of the land. People who are allowed to build homes wherever they want are taking away animal habitats.

What percentage of US lakes is estimated to be affected by eutrophication due to human activity?

Approximately 50% of lakes in the United States are estimated to be affected by eutrophication, largely due to human activities such as runoff from agricultural fields, sewage discharge, and urban development. Eutrophication can lead to excessive algal growth, oxygen depletion, and reduced water quality, negatively impacting aquatic ecosystems and human health.

How human affected the ecosystem?

Humans have affected ecosystems through activities such as deforestation, pollution, habitat destruction, and overexploitation of resources. These activities have led to loss of biodiversity, disruption of food chains, and changes in ecosystems that can have long-lasting negative impacts on both the environment and human society. It is important for humans to take steps to protect and restore ecosystems to ensure their sustainability for future generations.

Why are there endangered animals in savannahs?

There are endangered animals in ALL habitats. Human activity has affected wildlife EVERYWHERE.

What are positive and negative human impacts on estuary?

it sucks