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It depends on the canon, the ball, the charge, etc. A good pumpkin canon can shoot 3/4 mile while a battleship can shoot a dozen Paris Hiltons nearly 15 miles on a good day. Farther means faster.

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12y ago
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1mo ago

In order for a cannonball to not hit the Earth, it would need to be given enough horizontal velocity to enter orbit around the Earth. This velocity is approximately 17,500 miles per hour (28,000 km/h) at sea level to achieve a stable low Earth orbit and avoid falling back to the surface due to gravity.

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14y ago

I assume this means that the cannon ball was fired from Earth and continued upwards into space.

This is the escape velocity.

This would mean that the cannon ball would have to achieve 11.186 km/s to escape the gravity of the Earth.

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The only way I can think of is to measure its diameter, then do an online search to find out if there were any muzzleloading cannons made with bores your ball would fit in.

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