The fastest wind ever recorded on Earth was a gust to 302 mph in the F5 tornado that struck the Oklahoma City area on May 3, 1999 recorded by Doppler radar.
The fastest wind speed ever recorded in a hurricane was about 190 mph (305 km/h) in Hurricane Patricia in 2015.
The opposite of fast wind would be calm or still air.
No, breaking wind does not break your fast. It is a natural bodily function and does not involve consuming any food or drink.
Wind has been used for thousands of years, with the earliest recorded use dating back to ancient civilizations that used wind energy to power boats and grind grain. The first windmills were built in Persia around 200 B.C. for irrigation and milling purposes.
The air is very fast. Especially in a severe thunderstorm. The wind can go as fast as 100mph.
It is theorized that Pluto has a thin temporary atmosphere when it is closest to the Sun, but no wind has ever been detected or observed.
Where ever wind turbines have been setup.
The fastest wind speed ever recorded in a hurricane was about 190 mph (305 km/h) in Hurricane Patricia in 2015.
The opposite of fast wind would be calm or still air.
it travels three times as fast as a comet
There have been catastrophic failures of wind turbines where they come apart. A search for wind turbine failures on a video site will give you examples.
As fast as a hurricane with no doubt
ALMOST as fast as the wind!
No. If you're not sure if a comparison is a metaphor or a simile, just check and see if it uses the words "like" or "as". If it does, then it's a simile. This is a simile.
The wind speed.
Ceres has no atmosphere and thus no wind.
It depends on how fast the wind is blowing.