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Any molecule will speed up it's movement as it gets hotter. Ice is water in a cold state where the molecules are barely moving so it is in it's "solid" state. When it warms up, the molecules start moving a little faster and it goes into it's "liquid" state. As it heats up more the molecules are moving so fast that they can separate from the rest of the group and go into it's "gas" state. This is true with any element or molecule, the only difference is that each one has their own specific temperatures where these changes occur.

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15y ago
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3w ago

Molecules in warm water typically move faster than in cold water due to increased kinetic energy. The exact speed varies with temperature, but on average, they can move at speeds ranging from hundreds of meters per second to over a kilometer per second.

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13y ago

Faster. When cooled water obviously becomes ice. When in a solid state, molecules are slower than in liquid state. So when they are heated they speed up, so much that if heated enough they become a gas.

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10y ago

Approximately 1000 feet per second (the same speed as air molecules, since they have similar average kinetic energy and mass (within a factor of 2). Sound waves travel faster in water than in air because the molecules are in close contact and exert forces on each other (like a spring) when compressed together.

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14y ago

Yes...the hotter something is the faster the molecules move.

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12y ago

On the contrary: the molecules loose energy when they freeze so the molecules attract more each other, so they don't move.

Molecules only move when they are in liquid or gas state :)

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10y ago

The speed of movement increase with the temperature.

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Q: How fast does molecules move in warm water?
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