Two hundred and twenty feet a day, a world record!
An example of a fast-moving glacier that can move up to 6 kilometers per year is the Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland. It is known for its rapid movement and has been experiencing accelerated ice loss due to climate change.
A glacier (slowly) An avalanche (fast)
White water rapids are caused by the fast flow of water over rocky terrain or obstacles, creating turbulence and whitewater. This can occur when the river gradient is steep, narrowing the channel and increasing the speed and energy of the water flow. The varying depths and obstructions further contribute to the formation of rapids.
An ice front is likely to be stationary when the rate of ice accumulation in the glacier matches the rate of ice loss due to melting or calving at the front. This equilibrium state is known as a stable glacier front, where there is no net advance or retreat of the ice front.
Two hundred and twenty feet a day, a world record!
Two hundred and twenty feet a day, a world record!
Rapids is the word you are looking for.
the speed limit is 400mph
A fast flowing stream is called a rapid. Rapids are where the water flows downhill very fast and over underwater obstacles.