As with all planets Venus' orbit is slightly elliptical, at the closest point (Perihelion) Venus is 107,476,259 KM from the Sun, at the farthest point (Aphelion) it is 108,942,109 KM from the Sun.
On average Venus is approximately 67.2 million miles or 108.2 million kilometers away from the Sun.
In other units, it would be 0.723 AU or 6.01 light minutes or 0.0000114 light years.
Mean distance of 108,208,930 km
Maximum Distance 108,942,109 km
Minimum Distance 107,476,259 km
No. The surface of Venus is far too hot and the atmosphere far too dense and corrosive.
At its closest point, Venus is 66.7 million miles away from the sun. At the farthest point, Venus is 67.7 million miles away from the sun.
on average venus is 108,208,000 km from the sun
The distance from Venus to the Sun varies due to its elliptical orbit, but on average it is about 0.72 astronomical units (AU) away.
Well venus is the second planet
No. Venus is far too hot.
No. The surface of Venus is far too hot and the atmosphere far too dense and corrosive.
Venus is about 108 million miles from the sun
At its closest point, Venus is 66.7 million miles away from the sun. At the farthest point, Venus is 67.7 million miles away from the sun.
on average venus is 108,208,000 km from the sun
Venus is 7523 miles long in diameter, approximately.
No. Venus is far too hot. Its atmosphere is mainly carbon dioxide
That varies.