Pluto is about 5,913 million km from the sun (on average).
Earth is about 150 million km from the sun. Pluto is about 5,763 million km from Earth, so Pluto is about the same distance from our moon.
Pluto's largest moon, Charon, orbits at an average distance of about 12,200 miles (19,640 kilometers) from Pluto.
"Sun" is slang for a dollar bill, "moon" is slang for a thousand dollars, and "Pluto" is slang for a billion dollars.
Sharon is a moon of the dwarf planet Pluto. It is one of five known moons orbiting Pluto.
The moon is about 20 times larger in diameter than Pluto. Pluto has a diameter of approximately 1,473 miles, while the moon has a diameter of about 2,159 miles.
The moon is about 2,160 miles across. Pluto is about 1,475 miles across, so Pluto is about 68% the diameter of our moon.
Pluto's largest moon, Charon, orbits at an average distance of about 12,200 miles (19,640 kilometers) from Pluto.
Only if you have access to a large telescope. Pluto is too small and too far away to be seen with the naked eye.
"Sun" is slang for a dollar bill, "moon" is slang for a thousand dollars, and "Pluto" is slang for a billion dollars.
It takes Pluto's moon 6.39 days to circle Pluto.
Pluto's largest moon Charon is about half Pluto's diameter.
Day time on the Moon is hotter than Pluto. Night time on the moon is about as cold as Pluto, sometimes colder.
Sharon is a moon of the dwarf planet Pluto. It is one of five known moons orbiting Pluto.
The moon is about 20 times larger in diameter than Pluto. Pluto has a diameter of approximately 1,473 miles, while the moon has a diameter of about 2,159 miles.
No. If Charon, Pluto's largest moon, were bigger, then Pluto would be the moon. Charon is abould half the diameter of Pluto.
The moon is about 2,160 miles across. Pluto is about 1,475 miles across, so Pluto is about 68% the diameter of our moon.
No, Pluto is not a moon. It is classified as a dwarf planet in our solar system.
a moon