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London lies at a latitude of approximately 52 degrees. A nautical mile is approximately one minute of latitude so London is 3060 Nautical miles from the equator. This equates to about 3521 statute miles.

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10y ago

There is a distance of 2973 miles between London Canada and the Equator. This distance is equivalent to 4785 kilometers.

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12y ago

London is 3060 Nautical miles from the equator. ;)

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13y ago

about 4,289.5 Km

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Q: How many Kilometers is London England directly north of equator?
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What happened in1888?

In 1888, Mohandas Gandhi traveled to London, England, to study law at University College London and to train as a barrister.

How many kilometers from the north pole from the equator?

It's approx 10,000 km. This is because the definition of a meter is 1 10,000,000th of the distance from the north pole to the equator. So it's exactly 10,000,000 meters from the north pole to the equator, which is exactly 10,000 km. More like 10,007 km because the distance from North Pole to South Pole is 20,014 km. So divide that by two, 10007.

Which city is closest to prime meridian?

Greenwich, Greater London, which is near The City of London, England. Hence the term Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Note: See the linked information below. The City of London is actually a small area of about one square mile in the centre of what is officially known as Greater London. The prime meridian passes through Greater London about six miles to the south east of The City of London.

In which directions do prime meridian run?

The Prime Meridian is the line of all the points on earth whose longitude is zero. It joins the north and south poles and passes through Greenwich, a suburb of London, England. It runs straight north-south, and also passes through Spain, France, and several countries in Africa.

Which scientist proposed a link between contaminated water and cholera?

It was a doctor, John Snow, in London England, during the cholera outbreak in 1853. Those that drank beer, were free of the plague. Isolating a contaminated water pump, proved the theory.

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How many miles is London England from the equator?

approximately 3519 miles (rounded) or 5661 kilometers (rounded)

How many miles is it from the equator from London England?

The center of London is roughly 3,557 miles from the equator.

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Montevideo is 11021 kilometers from London england

How many degrees is London England from the equator?

London is 51°30N of the equator.

Distance between London Kentucky and London England?

A rough estimate is 4500 miles. I calculated that number based on miles to NYC, then miles to England (according to GoogleMaps), then from the shore to London. It's not precise but gives an idea.

How many kilometers north of the equator is London?

roughly 5,722 of them at the center of the city

How many kilometers between London England and Edmonton Canada?

6,812 kilometers

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Air kilometers from London, England, to Palma, Majorca, Spain, total 1,340 kilometers. That equals 833 miles or 723 nautical miles.

How many kilometers between London England to Andaman islands?

60 kilometres from London

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11675 kilometers

How far is London England from Orlando Florida in air miles and kilometers?

Air miles from Orlando, Florida to London, England total 4,347. That is 6,996 kilometers. That is 3,778 nautical miles.

What is the distance in kilometers from Ottawa Canada to London England?

Air distance from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada to London, England, United Kingdom is 5,378 kilometers. That is 3,342 miles. It is 2,904 nautical miles.