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California is a big place, and the Prime Meridian is more than 12,000 miles long.

It looks like the part of California that's closest to some point on the the Prime Meridian

is its northern border with Oregon. From any point on that part of the California state

line, the closest point on the Prime Meridian is 3,325.5 miles away.

You don't reach it by going East. The point on the Prime Meridian that's closest to

anywhere in California is . . . . . wait for it . . . . . the North Pole.

If you want to travel straight West from the Prime Meridian to California, then your trip is

anywhere between 6,155 to 6,850 miles, depending on exactly where in California you're headed. That's almost double the shortest route !

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California is approximately 115 degrees west of the Prime Meridian, which runs through Greenwich, England.

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Los Angeles is about 118° west of the Prime Meridian, which is located in Greenwich, England. So, Los Angeles is 242° east of the Prime Meridian.

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Stepping over the Prime Meridian, (or the anti-meridian) an imaginary line, would take you from east to west. The distance is actually infinitesimally small.

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What does the degrees of longitude tell you?

Degrees of longitude tell us how far east of west of the Prime Meridian a location is.

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It passes through France and Spain. Portugal is too far west of Spain for the meridian to pass through it.

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