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Q: How far did lava flow from Krakatoa in 2009?
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How does the temperature of lava affect how far the lava will flow?

The temperature of lava affects its viscosity, or how easily it flows. Hotter lava has lower viscosity and can flow more easily, often traveling further than cooler, more viscous lava. Cooler lava tends to be more sluggish and may not flow as far before solidifying.

How far is Krakatoa from the Indonesia?

Krakatoa is located in Indonesia, specifically in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra. It is approximately 160 kilometers (100 miles) west of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.

How far did the pyroplastic flow of the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa travel?

The pyroclastic flows from the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa traveled as far as 40 kilometers away from the volcano. These flows were extremely hot and fast-moving, causing widespread destruction in the surrounding areas.

What are the similarities in a lava flow and a pyroclastic flow?

A lava flow is simply a flow of liquid rock down a slope that usually results from an effusive eruption. A pyroclastic flow is an avalanche-like flow of hot ash, rock and gas that moves down a volcano during an explosive eruption, The move much faster than lava flows and are far more dangerous.

Do rivers ever flow underground?

Lava, groundwater, sometimes minerals that have been melted and which flow into crevices. Depends on where and how far underground.

How far is Krakatoa from San Francisco?

Krakatoa is 549 miles from San Francisco.

Which cave is guan's head in Mt lava-flow?

it is in the far right cave it takes five times to find it

How far aways was Krakatoa hears from?

its was a turtle

Why do scientists need to know the different types of lava flow?

The type of lava flow lets you know the different type of volcano. Not all volcanoes are "explosive". Basalt volcano you can practically stand and watch as it explodes. Where as an andesite volcano you want to be far away. Also the different lava flow lets you know where the melting is occurring. If the flow is high in granitic composition it means the continental crust has melted. If the flow is high in basalt it is a oceanic crust melt.

Does the Yellowstone volcano lava go to pennslyvanna?

No. The Yellowstone volcano is 1,500 miles from Pennsylvania. Lava cannot flow that far, and rhyolitic lava such as that produced by the Yellowstone volcano is so viscous that it can can barely flow at all. However, the volcano's eruptions are explosive and produce large amounts of ash. This would be carried by upper level winds and would fall on Pennsylvania.

Why doesnt the type of eruption that produce a lava plateau produce a volcanic mountain instead?

first lava flows out of several long cracks in an area. the thin runny lava travels far before cooling and solidifying. again and again floods of lava flow on top of earlier floods. After millions of years these layers of lava can form high plateaus!

How far away is krakatau to Krakatoa?

They are the same thing just spelled differently.