On average, humans can smell up to about 10,000 different scents and detect certain odors even at very low concentrations. However, the distance at which we can smell a particular scent varies depending on factors like air circulation, concentration of the odor, and individual sensitivity to the smell. Generally, our sense of smell becomes less effective with distance due to dispersion and dilution of the odor molecules in the air.
yes you can it is possible to send smell from a phone to the person you are talking to, no matter how far away you are
The distance at which you can smell a flower depends on factors like wind direction, humidity, and the concentration of the flower's scent molecules in the air. On average, you may be able to detect the scent of a flower from a few feet away to several meters.
Pandas have a relatively good sense of smell, being able to detect scents from up to 1.2 miles away. In contrast, their eyesight is not as sharp, with a range of about 20-30 meters.
I have one. It's not the hamster. It's the cage. The smell of wood chips, urine and poop don't smell too good. But it's far from intolerable. As long as you keep the cage nice and clean, you won't have a smelly hamster. Hamsters, guinea pigs anything like that doesn't like to live in a dirty cage.
I suspect you would smell nothing at all.
it can smell as far as 16 yards away
Wolves have been known to smell objects as far away as 1.6 km. An object does not have to be far away for a wolf to smell it, though - they can smell something right next to their nose.
they have intense smell.
They just smell when you're near
grate whites can smell blood far from 1 to2 miles in water
how far can cheetahs smell
If you are trying to identify a pill by the smell, you will not get far. There is no normal smell for penicillin.
because when you are cooking the smell of the bacon and the patties give this smell
A Lioness can smell things from 30kms away.
a hyena can smell up to 15 metres away
Far enough so that you can not smell it.
An ant can smell its surroundings up to a few inches away.