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exchange of gases respiration and photosynthesis takes place through stem of the plant, the stem is green enough to carry the property of leaves, as in normal plants.. while exchange of gases in huge tree trunks takes place through lenticels, which are present in barks of the trunks... exchange of gases-respiration and photosynthesis- takes place through stem of the plant, the stem is green enough to carry the property of leaves, as in normal plants.. while exchange of gases in huge tree trunks takes place through lenticels, which are present in barks of the trunks...

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15y ago
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12y ago

IN FLOWERING PLANTS....there are tiny pores called stomata on leaves and lenticels in stem which facilitate the exchange of gases.......carbondioxide is taken in and oxygen given out {during photosynthesis} and vice versa during respiration

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Q: How exchange of gases takes place in plants cell?
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How does exchange of gases takes place in plants?

exchange of gases respiration and photosynthesis takes place through stem of the plant, the stem is green enough to carry the property of leaves, as in normal plants.. while exchange of gases in huge tree trunks takes place through lenticels, which are present in barks of the trunks... exchange of gases-respiration and photosynthesis- takes place through stem of the plant, the stem is green enough to carry the property of leaves, as in normal plants.. while exchange of gases in huge tree trunks takes place through lenticels, which are present in barks of the trunks...

Why circulation takes place in animals and plants?

To exchange gases such as co2 and o2

What are the two structures in plants through where exchange of gases takes place?

the bum hole The Stomata's

What is the process by which the exchange of gases takes place?


Where exactly the exchange of gases takes place in lungs?

it takes place in yhe capilaries attached to the aveoils.

During respiration the exchange of gases takes place through the walls of the what?

During respiration the exchange of gases takes place through the walls of the alveoli. From there, the oxygen is taken by the blood to the body tissues.

What process takes place at the capillaries?

gases exchange .to release heat.

The exchange of respiratory gases in a cell takes place through the?

the lungs

How does the exchange of gases take place in the human body?

Gases takes place by nasal passage go to lungs to purifi.

How does the exchange of different gases takes place in the human body?

through respiration

How is the exchange of gases in humans similar to the exchange of gases in plants?

it produces the same things it comes ou twith different and takes in new whatever it prodecu sbalgh uuhuasa

How the direction of exchange of gases in plants changes during the day?

During the day, plants typically take in carbon dioxide (CO2) and release oxygen (O2) through photosynthesis. At night, plants switch to taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide through respiration. This switch in gas exchange is controlled by the presence of light and how it affects the metabolic processes in the plant.