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well electromagnetic radiation is a combination of electrical and magnetic well electromagnetic radiation is a combination of electrical and magnetic

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it is emitted by a body ,when we heat up or increase it temperature.

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7y ago

It gets produced by the acceleration of electric charges.

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Q: How electromagnetic radaition produced?
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Is radaition contagious?

yes very

What is produced by electromagnetic induction?


When are Electromagnetic waves produced?

In a vacuum

What is produced by or associated with electromagnetic induction?

Faradaic current is associated with electromagnetic induction.

Which electromagnetic waves are produced during some nuclear reactions?

During nuclear reactions, gamma rays are produced as a form of electromagnetic radiation. Gamma rays are the most energetic and penetrating type of electromagnetic radiation, and they are produced when the nucleus of an atom undergoes a change.

Is the range of electromagnetic radiation produced by a star?

The range of electromagnetic radiation produced by a star includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. The distribution of these wavelengths depends on the temperature and composition of the star.

What is the electromagnetic definition?

pertaining to or exhibiting magnetism produced by electric charge in motion; "electromagnetic energy"

Is there an electromagnetic field produced by electric heating pads?

Yes, electric heating pads produce electromagnetic fields due to the flow of electricity through the heating elements. The strength of the electromagnetic field varies depending on the design and power of the heating pad. However, the electromagnetic fields from electric heating pads are generally considered to be low and not a significant health concern for most people.

What are electromagnetic waves produced from what two things do they have?

Electromagnetic waves are produced by the acceleration of electric charges. They have both electric and magnetic components, oscillating perpendicular to each other and to the direction of wave propagation.

How Electromagnetic Waves produced on surface of sun?

Electromagnetic waves on the surface of the sun are produced through the process of nuclear fusion in its core. The intense heat and pressure generated by nuclear reactions cause charged particles to move rapidly, creating electromagnetic radiation in the form of light, ultraviolet, and other wavelengths. These waves are then emitted from the sun's surface into space.

What is radaition fallout?

it is falling radioactive marterials launched into the atmostphere from an atomic blast

Which of the following produces electromanetic waves is it moving neuton?

No, a moving neutron does not produce electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves are produced by accelerating charged particles, such as electrons.