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Q: How does your voice box make sounds?
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How animals make sounds?

It is because their voice boxes are that way. Are voice boxes make certain sounds, and their voice box makes those types of sounds. Also, their shape could echo and turn the sound into the audible sound you hear.

What part of the animals makes sounds?

voice box

Can you make sounds if your brain dead?

No, your voice box, along with the rest of your organs and bodily functions are connected to your brain.

How do people make sounds?

the brain tells it to and then the sound comes out through a voice box.. im not entirely sure how thoughh..

What are the main functions of the larynx?

it is the voice box. it produces sounds.

How do you make and hear sounds?

you make sounds with your voice. You blow air, and add some of your voice too. This is called 'speaking'.You also hear sounds with your ears.

How does your voice make sound?

vibration in the voice box

What is the breathy voice?

A breathy voice is one that is not supported. A breathy voice often sounds shaky and will make the singer sound insecure.

Why is larynx known as vioce box?

Because it is the structure in which the vocal chords are to be found and therefore where the sounds for your voice originate.

What shoud you eat or drink to make your voice sounds better?

i think lemons

What voice does a monkey make?

it kind of sounds like a deranged fire alarm

Why is a box called box?

It is called the voice box or the larynx, I would say larynx is its more official scientific name. And people just called it the voice box to make it easier to remember, I am guessing.