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Q: How does water get routed to the kidneys?
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Urine is continuously formed by the kidneys and is routed down the?

Ureters where it is stored in the bladder.

How does water go to the kidneys?

hoe is water lost from the kidneys

How do water and our kidneys work together?

Water will help facilitate the materials into and out of the kidneys. Without water, the kidneys will not be able to do their job. The water will help the kidneys filter out the toxins and unwanted things in the body, and then flush out the waste.

What excretory organs removes water?

The main excretory organs that remove water from the body are the kidneys. Kidneys filter blood to remove wastes and excess water, which is then excreted as urine.

Which hormones are important in stimulating water conservationin the kidneys?

ADH conserves water in kidneys ]

What regulates water balance in the blood?

The kidneys play a key role in regulating water balance in the blood by controlling the amount of water reabsorbed and excreted. Hormones such as antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and aldosterone also help regulate water balance by influencing the reabsorption of water in the kidneys. Additionally, the sensation of thirst prompts us to drink water when our body needs to maintain water balance.

What structure regulates the amount of water in your blood?

the kidneys

Can your kidneys explode if you drink nothing but water?

No, your kidneys can't explode if you drink nothing but water.

Why is water important to the kidneys?

Water is crucial for kidney function as it helps to filter waste and toxins from the blood, produce urine, and maintain electrolyte balance. Staying hydrated ensures optimal kidney health by supporting these vital functions and preventing the formation of kidney stones. Drinking enough water also helps to prevent urinary tract infections and promote overall kidney health.

What contains more water the blood going into the kidneys or the blood leaving it?

Blood entering the kidneys has more water; the water is extracted by the kidneys and sent through the ureter to the bladder.

What makes the kidneys absorb more water?

The kidneys absorb more water when the hormone vasopressin signals the kidneys to reabsorb water back into the bloodstream. This occurs when the body needs to conserve water or is in a state of dehydration.

What do your kidneys do to influence the amount of water in the blood?

The kidneys regulate water balance in the blood by filtering out excess water and toxins from the bloodstream to form urine. They also reabsorb water back into the blood when needed to maintain proper hydration levels. Additionally, the kidneys release hormones like antidiuretic hormone (ADH) to control how much water is excreted in the urine.