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Q: How does upwelling affect biological activity?
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How does upwelling affect the productivity of many regions of the ocean including waters off the coasts of California and Peru?

Upwelling increases productivity by lifting nutrients to the surface.

What has the author Steven Olson Howe written?

Steven Olson Howe has written: 'Biological consequences of environmental changes related to coastal upwelling' -- subject(s): Marine ecology, Upwelling (Oceanography), Marine productivity

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It can lower the rate of enzyme activity or stop the whole thing completely

How does the process of upwelling affect the distribution of life in the ocean?

The water brought to the surface by upwelling tends to be richer in nutrients than the water it replaces--more nutrients, more life.

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Factors that can affect the growth and development of farm animals include genetics, nutrition, environment, health, and management practices. Genetics determines the animal's growth potential, while nutrition plays a significant role in supporting optimal growth and development. The environment, including factors such as housing, temperature, and access to clean water, can influence stress levels and overall well-being, impacting growth. Good health through proper vaccination, parasite control, and disease prevention measures is essential for ensuring animals reach their growth potential. Effective management practices, such as proper handling, monitoring, and providing suitable living conditions, also play a crucial role in promoting healthy growth and development in farm animals.

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When it loses its native confirmation and its biological activity?


What are the two steps in upwelling?

The two steps of upwelling is

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