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Q: How does the structure of a uterus help to carry out the function?
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A small structure in cells that performs a specific function?

An organelle is a small structure in cells that performs a specific function, such as the mitochondria for energy production or the chloroplast for photosynthesis. Organelles are like specialized compartments within the cell that help carry out essential processes for the cell's survival and function.

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it helps it from breaking

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glands are the structure in the body which produce secretions you may say it juice which help to carry out many function of the body with out any interruption for example digestion and tear and sweat glands

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The Cell Wall The Cell Wall

A cell carries out all the what?

Cells carry out all life function.

What is a basic unit of structure and function found in all ilvung things?

A cell is the basic unit of structure and function found in all living things. Cells carry out the necessary processes for life, such as metabolism, growth, and reproduction. Each cell is enclosed by a membrane and contains genetic material and organelles that help it perform specific functions.

What is an organelle?

An organelle is a specialized structure within a cell that performs a specific function to help the cell survive and function properly. Examples of organelles include the nucleus, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum.

How can the uterus hold a developing fetus?

The uterine walls are made up of thick, muscular tissue that can stretch and expand to accommodate the growing fetus. Additionally, the amniotic fluid within the amniotic sac surrounding the fetus provides cushioning and support. Hormonal changes during pregnancy also help to maintain the structure and function of the uterus to support the growing fetus.

How does lignin help xylem vessels to carry out their function?

Lignin is a type of polymer found in the cell walls of plant cells that provides support and structure for the plant- it makes them rigid.

How does the structure of DNA help it carry out its function?

DNA is composed of phosphate, proteins, nitogenous bases, sugar. they all maintain the structure of the DNA and are responsible for replicating the DNA accurately during replication.. for example; nitrogenous bases are correctly base paired i. e. A with T and G with C.