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The spectrum of helium consists of distinct lines at specific wavelengths, known as emission lines, due to the transition of electrons between energy levels. In contrast, the spectrum of white light from the Sun is continuous, with all visible wavelengths present. The presence of absorption lines in the solar spectrum, caused by elements in the Sun's atmosphere absorbing specific wavelengths, further distinguishes it from the discrete emission lines of helium.

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Q: How does the spectrum of helium differ from the spectrum of white light from the Sun?
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How does an emission spectrum of a gas in a discharge tube differ from a white light spectrum?

An emission spectrum of a gas in a discharge tube shows only specific wavelengths of light emitted when electrons in the gas atoms transition to lower energy levels. This produces distinct colored lines on a dark background. In contrast, a white light spectrum shows a continuous range of wavelengths across all colors of visible light due to the presence of a broad spectrum of colors.

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An instrument that breaks up white light into spectrum?

A prism is commonly used to break up white light into its spectrum. White light is composed of different wavelengths, each corresponding to a different color. When white light passes through a prism, it is refracted, causing the different wavelengths to separate and create a spectrum of colors.

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White light is a mixture of all of the colors of the spectrum. White paint is created with pigment, often titanium dioxide. While white light contains all of the frequencies of the optical spectrum, and white pigments reflect all colors of that visible spectrum.

Can a spectrum be formed by reflection of white light?

Yes, a spectrum can be formed by reflecting white light off a surface that disperses the light into its component colors. This can be seen, for example, when white light is reflected off a CD or a prism. The dispersion of light into a spectrum occurs due to the different wavelengths of each color in the white light.

What light that contans all the colours of the spectrum?

"White" light.

Light that contains all the colours of the spectrum?

White light.

What is light that contains all the colours of the spectrum?

White light contains all the colors of the spectrum, as it is made up of all the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

What is white light the entire range of?

White light is a combination of all visible colors of the spectrum. When white light passes through a prism, it separates into different colors due to their different wavelengths, creating a rainbow of colors.

Is the spectrum of white light from the sun continuous?

Yes, the spectrum of white light from the sun is continuous, containing all colors of the rainbow. This continuous spectrum is due to the sun emitting light across a wide range of wavelengths.

Which scientist first discover that white light is a mixture of rainbow spectrum Leah which scientist first discover that white light is a mixture of rainbow spectrum?

Isaac Newton is credited with being the first scientist to discover that white light is actually composed of a spectrum of colors. He achieved this by passing white light through a prism, which separated it into its component colors, creating a rainbow spectrum.

What is the evidence for the statement that white light is a composite of all the colors of the spectrum?

White light can be separated into different colors using a prism, a process known as dispersion. When white light passes through a prism, it splits into a rainbow spectrum of colors. This supports the idea that white light is made up of all the colors of the spectrum. Additionally, when all colors of light are combined, they create white light.