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An energy pyramid is like a food chain, because at the top of the pyramid, there is the most energy, and at the bottom there is the least energy. The same goes for a food chain, because the producer has 100% of the energy. The final consumer, or tursury consumer, has either little or no energy left from the primary, and secondary consumers, because they have used up almost all the energy breathing, moving and during digestion.

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13y ago
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7y ago

Pyramids get smaller as you go towards the apex. The energy in the food chain also diminishes as you move towards the apex. The shape also reflects the number of organisms present at different levels in the food chain with the apex predator position being very few in number in a natural (unmodified by man) ecosystem.

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11y ago

energy pyramid is a sex pyramid also called dick shaped like trianlge

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12y ago

because its a pyramid with a food chain

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Hannah G Mccorkle

Lvl 2
4y ago

I disagree on your answer!

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Q: How does the pyramid shape illustrate the fate of energy along a food chain?
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How does the pyramid shape illustrate the fate of materials along a food chain?

the pyramid shape illustrate the fate of materials along a food chain by using the pyramid.

What kind of diagram shows the flow of energy among different trophic levels?

Energy pyramid Apex^^^^^

Why is the flow of energy in a food chain like a pyramid?

because its a pyramid with a food chain

What are always found at the base of an energy pyramid?

Nutters who believe in pyramid energy. Or if the pyramid is a food chain, producers.

What shows how much energy and food is available in each level of an ecosystem?

Energy pyramid Energy pyramid.

How does bio magnification compare with the energy pyramid?

Bio magnification is the process where toxins become more concentrated as they move up the food chain, whereas the energy pyramid shows the flow of energy through trophic levels with energy decreasing as it moves up. Both concepts illustrate the transfer of substances (toxins or energy) through an ecosystem, but in different ways.

What is a energy called?

the energy Converter is called FOOD CHAIN or maybe ENERGY PYRAMID :))

The total mass of living tissue at each trophic level can be shown bY?

A pyramid of biomass or a pyramid of energy can show the total mass of living tissue at each trophic level. These pyramids illustrate the decreasing amount of biomass or energy available as you move up the food chain, with producers at the base and top-level consumers at the top.

What shows the decrease of energy at each level of a food chain?

an energy pyramid

How Compare the pyramid of energy with the pyramid of number?

The pyramid of energy shows the flow of energy through trophic levels in an ecosystem, with most energy lost as heat at each level. The pyramid of numbers represents the number of organisms at each trophic level, with the base usually being the most numerous. Both pyramids illustrate the relationships between different trophic levels in an ecosystem but focus on different aspects - energy flow for the pyramid of energy and population distribution for the pyramid of numbers.

What are some examples of the energy pyramid of the land food chain?


Where does all the energy in an energy pyramid come from?

The energy in an energy pyramid initially comes from the sun through the process of photosynthesis carried out by plants. This energy is then transferred up the pyramid as organisms consume other organisms in the food chain.