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Both the absorption and the luminosity of a blackbody in equilibrium increase in magnitude with increasing temperature, and the spectral distribution of the luminosity increases in frequency (decreases in wavelength).

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The luminosity of a blackbody increases with its surface temperature raised to the fourth power, as described by the Stefan-Boltzmann law. This means that as the temperature of a blackbody increases, its luminosity will increase significantly.

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Q: How does the luminosity of a blackbody vary with its surface temperature?
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What is the luminosity of a white dwarf star?

The luminosity of a white dwarf star can vary depending on its mass and age, but typically ranges from about 0.001 to 0.1 times the luminosity of the Sun. These stars are small and dense, with surface temperatures ranging from 8,000 to 100,000 Kelvin, which affects their brightness.

What are the difrences of a with dwarf and the giant stars?

Through a comparison of solar luminosity and temperature seen with the H-R diagram. On this diagram, stars sharing the same temperature but different luminosities show measurable differences in radius as well as mass. So if two stars both have the same visible surface temperature but one is more luminous, it has to be larger. This is further explained by Stefan Boltzmann's law,L=(4πR^2 x sigma(constant) x T^4)A Star with the the same surface temperature with larger surface area results in more Luminosity.

What is the average surface temperature of Mars?

The average surface temperature of Mars is about -80 degrees Fahrenheit (-62 degrees Celsius). However, temperatures can vary significantly depending on the season and location on the planet.

What is the temperature of the sky?

The temperature of the sky can vary depending on factors such as location, time of day, and weather conditions. The sky itself does not have a specific temperature, but the air temperature in the sky can range from very cold at high altitudes to warm near the Earth's surface.

What is the surface temperature on Mercury in Kelvin degrees?

The average surface temperature on Mercury is around 700 K (426.85°C). However, temperatures can vary greatly depending on the location and time of day due to Mercury's lack of atmosphere to regulate heat.

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Are main sequence stars all alike in their luminosity and temperature?

No. Main sequence stars vary greatly in both temperature and luminosity. The least massive stars, red dwarfs, can have temperatures as low as 2,300 Kelvin and luminosity as low as 0.015% that of the sun. The most massive stars, which are blue in color can have temperatures as high as 50,000 Kelvin and may be hundreds of thousands times more luminous than the sun.

What happens to the temperature of main sequence stars as the brightness increases?

As the brightness of main sequence stars increases, their temperature also increases. This is because the brightness of a star is directly related to its surface temperature, with hotter stars emitting more energy and appearing brighter. This relationship is described by the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

What are the difrences of a with dwarf and the giant stars?

Through a comparison of solar luminosity and temperature seen with the H-R diagram. On this diagram, stars sharing the same temperature but different luminosities show measurable differences in radius as well as mass. So if two stars both have the same visible surface temperature but one is more luminous, it has to be larger. This is further explained by Stefan Boltzmann's law,L=(4πR^2 x sigma(constant) x T^4)A Star with the the same surface temperature with larger surface area results in more Luminosity.

What is the main reason the temperature on the earth's surface vary from place to place?

It depends on the tile of the earth's Axis.....i think

Why does the Moon's surface temperature vary greatly?

it has no atmosphere to smooth out temperatures, and each day and night lasts a fortnight

What is earth's actual temperature?

Earth's average surface temperature is around 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius). However, this can vary widely depending on factors such as location, time of day, and season.

What is the average surface temperature of Mars?

The average surface temperature of Mars is about -80 degrees Fahrenheit (-62 degrees Celsius). However, temperatures can vary significantly depending on the season and location on the planet.

Why the temperature of the stars vary from one another?

The temperature in the core of a star depends, to a great extent, on:* The star's mass. The general tendency is that high-mass stars are hotter. * Where the star is in its life cycle. The star's core temperature will vary over time. On the other hand, the star's surface temperature also depends on its size. Thus, it is possible that PRECISELY because a star is hotter in the core, it gets bigger, and the surface temperature DECREASES (though its total energy output increases).

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The composition of soil mainly depends on the underlying bedrock, or weathering of surface rocks. Surface soil texture (on farmland, for instance) can be changed by using organic fertilisers.

What is the surface temperature on the light side of venus?

The temperature doesn't actually vary much, day or night. The temperatures are around 460 to 480 degrees Celsius everywhere, all the time.

What color are stars?

Stars can vary from a bluish-white to deep red depending on the surface temperature. The colours are more noticeable on colour film.

What is the color and surface temperature in the constellation Capricorn?

Capricorn is a constellation, not a star. There are 104 stellar objects in Capricorn, and these vary greatly in their colours and emperatures.