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Q: How does the location and structure of the Golgi affect its function?
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What structure of the cell regulates what material leave or enter the cell?

This is the function of the Golgi Body.

Does the Golgi apparatus have a polarity or sidedness to its structure and function?

Yes, the Golgi apparatus has polarity in its structure and function. It typically has a cis face (entry side) and a trans face (exit side), with molecules being processed sequentially from one side to the other. This polarity is crucial for its role in modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins for delivery to different parts of the cell.

What is the Golgi Body location?

Golgi bodies are found in cells. They are involved in the re- packaging of proteins produced by the Endoplasmic Reticulum. Since the cell is a 3 D structure, Golgi bodies can be found suspended anywhere in the cell.

Italian scientist who discovered the Golgi complex in 1898?

The Italian scientist who discovered the Golgi complex in 1898 was Camillo Golgi. Golgi's discovery revolutionized the field of cell biology and provided important insights into the structure and function of cells.

How does the structure of the organelle affect its function?

The structure of an organelle determines its function by providing a specific environment for carrying out particular processes. For example, the double membrane structure of the mitochondria creates compartments that are essential for ATP production through cellular respiration. Similarly, the stacked grana within chloroplasts optimize light absorption during photosynthesis.

Does the Golgi apparatus have a membrane?

Yes, the Golgi apparatus has a membrane. It is made up of a series of flattened sacs or cisternae that are surrounded by a lipid bilayer membrane. The membrane of the Golgi apparatus helps in maintaining the structure and function of this organelle.

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What is the function of the golgi body

Which structure stores modifies and packages products in a cell?

Golgi apparatus.

Is a Golgi apparatus a prokaryote or eukaryote?

Golgi apparatus is strictly a eukaryotic structure

What function does the Golgi body do?

it poops