

Best Answer
  • The internal combustion engine powers vehicles by burning gasoline
  • gasoline comes from fossil fuel, so this burning emits carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that absorbs heat rising from the warmed earth
  • As this carbon dioxide has been hidden underground for 300 million years, releasing it now ADDS to the CO2 levels in the atmosphere causing global warming.
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One word, Emissions.

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Q: How does the internal combustion engine contribute to global warming?
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The waste products of combustion leave the internal combustion engine through the?

The waste products of combustion, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor, leave the internal combustion engine through the exhaust system via the tailpipe.

What device mixes air and petrol for the internal combustion engine?

The device that mixes air and petrol for the internal combustion engine is the carburetor. It controls the air-fuel ratio to ensure efficient combustion in the engine.

Difference between internal combustion engines and external combustion engines?

Internal combustion engines burn fuel inside the engine to generate power, while external combustion engines burn fuel outside the engine and use the resulting heat to create power, such as in steam engines. Internal combustion engines are more common in vehicles due to their compact size and efficiency, while external combustion engines are used in specific applications like power plants and some marine propulsion systems.

Is a lawnmower an internal combustion engine?

If the lawnmower is not electric powered then is is probably operated by an internal combustion engine (petrol or diesel. Oddly enough, very early lawnmowers were steam powered, which means they were examples of external combustion engines.

What is the difference between internal combustion engine and external combustion engine?

An internal combustion engine burns fuel internally to produce power, like in cars and motorcycles. An external combustion engine burns fuel externally to produce power, often using a separate heat source to generate steam, like in steam engines or some power plants.

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Does a truck use an external or internal combustion engine.?

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What are the differences of internal combustion and gasoline engine?

and internal combustion engine and a gasoline engine are the same thing.

Which type of engine is classified as internal combustion?

Reciprocating engines (piston engines) are internal combustion engines. Rotary engines ( Wankel engine) is also an internal combustion engine. In general, all types of engines in which the combustion chamber is an integrating part of the engine is considered a internal combustion engine.

What is the most important difference between and internal combustion engine and an external combustion engine?

in internal combustion engine combustion happens internally in cylinder and in external combustion engine combustion happens externally in boiler

Seminar topics on internal-combustion engine?

combustion engine

What engine is an example of an internal combustion engine?

An example of an internal combustion engine is a gasoline engine, which ignites a mixture of fuel and air inside a combustion chamber to generate power.

Identify the source of thermal energy in an internal combustion engine?

In an internal combustion engine fuel is burned in a combustion chamber or cylinder inside the engine

Who was the very first person to invent the internal combustion engine?

who was the first person to invent the internal combustion engine

What industries did the internal combustion engine give rise to?

The internal combustion engine give rise to the auto industry.

Is steam power plant is internal combustion or external combustion engine?

A steam engine is an external combustion engine.

Who was the first to patent a working internal combustion engine?

Karl Benz was the first person to patent internal combustion engine.