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how does the lungs help the other systems to keep the body healthy?

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15y ago

the circulatory and respiratory system. the circulatory and respiratory system.

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Q: How does the heart work with systems to keep your body heathly?
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How does the heart work with other body systems to keep the body healthy?

it works by pumping blood to other parts of the body

How does your heart work with other systems to keep the body healthy?

It helps by bumping oxygen and nutrients throughout the body

How does the heart work with other systems keep your body healthy?

It helps by bumping oxygen and nutrients throughout the body

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i think it does work with the other systems because it works with the heart to transfer blood to the rest of our body

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You Alive! and your heart, blood, cells, and insides healthly

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the eyeball does not exacly keep the body healthy it just helps you see other parts of your stomach helps you keep your body heathly 1 is blood and thers more parts too

What are the ten major systems that work together to keep the human body alive?

Circulatory system: transports oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Respiratory system: provides oxygen to the body and removes carbon dioxide. Digestive system: breaks down food to provide energy and nutrients. Nervous system: controls body functions and responds to stimuli. Skeletal system: provides structure and support for the body. Muscular system: allows movement and supports body functions. Endocrine system: regulates hormones and metabolic processes. Immune system: defends against infections and diseases. Urinary system: filters and eliminates waste from the body. Integumentary system: protects the body from external factors and regulates temperature.

How can you keep your muscles heathly?

be cool,jump and boxing

How the lungs works with other systems to keep the body healthy?

It helps so you can breath and help the heart beat for the blood to flow

How does the lung work with other systems to keep the body healthy?

how does the lungs help the other systems to keep the body healthy?

Why does heathly food keep us heathly?

Healthy food makes us live longer, have more energy , and we have less health problems.

Do body systems work together?

Body systems work together to keep the body healthy and the body systems are interdependent (they rely on each other).