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I can't pull the number from the top of my head but I think it might be around 1/32 of earth's time.

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1mo ago

The existence of people on Earth is relatively short compared to the length of geologic time on Earth. Humans have been around for only a tiny fraction of Earth's history, which spans billions of years. Geologic time encompasses vast scales of time, with the history of humanity representing just a minuscule portion of it.

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Q: How does the existence of people on Earth compare with the length of geologic time on Earth?
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What is geologic events that happen fast enough for people to see?

Some examples of geologic events that happen fast enough for people to see include volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, and glacier calving. These events can unfold quickly and dynamically, providing a real-time display of Earth's dynamic processes in action.

What are the last two geologic eras?

Fat People

What list places the divisions of the geologic time scale in order from longest to shortest?

The order of geologic time from smallest to largest is Phanerozoic, Proterozoic, Archean and Hadean (Deep Time). These four periods are called Eons which can be further subdivided into Eras, Periods and Epochs. Most people are more familiar with the periods such as Cambrian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic and. Cretaceous and many more to numerous to mention. To learn more, Google geologic time scale.

Why do people agree with the cosmological argument?

People may agree with the cosmological argument because it provides a logical explanation for the existence of the universe by asserting the need for a first cause or prime mover. This argument appeals to the idea of cause and effect and suggests that there must be a necessary being that initiated the chain of causation. Additionally, some find comfort in the notion of a higher power or ultimate source of existence.

Why do people compare combustion to respiration?

People compare combustion to respiration because both processes involve the chemical reaction of fuel with oxygen to release energy. In combustion, this energy is released as heat and light, while in respiration, it is used to generate ATP for cellular functions. Both processes produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct.

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