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the study is called PHYSICS.

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9y ago

Energy gets transferred from one form to another. It plays a role in water cycle.

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Q: How does the energy transfer and the water cycle?
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Radiation transfers energy from the sun to various parts of the earth and its atmosphere what process is driven by this transfer of energy?

The process driven by the transfer of energy from the sun by radiation is called the water cycle. This energy fuels evaporation of water from the surface, which forms clouds and eventually leads to precipitation, completing the cycle.

How are the water cycle and the energy transfer related?

The water cycle relies on energy from the sun to power processes like evaporation and transpiration, which move water through the cycle. Energy from the sun is absorbed by Earth's surface, causing water to evaporate from oceans, lakes, and land. This evaporation is a key driver of the water cycle, ultimately leading to processes like precipitation and runoff.

What is the energy transfer a washing machine is designed to achieve?

A washing machine is designed to transfer mechanical energy to kinetic energy to agitate the clothes in water and detergent, removing dirt and stains in the process. This energy transfer helps clean the clothes efficiently during the washing cycle.

What is the energy source that drives the watre cycle?

The energy source behind the water cycle is solar energy. It is the only energy which initiates water cycle.

What is the source of energy that the water cycle?

The sun is the source of energy that creates the water cycle.

What is transfer of energy by changes in density is?

Transfer of energy by changes in density is known as convection. This occurs when a fluid, such as air or water, is heated and becomes less dense, causing it to rise and transfer heat from one place to another. Conversely, when the fluid cools and becomes denser, it sinks, completing a cycle of energy transfer.

How does thermal energy transfer in the hydrologic cycle?

Thermal energy transfer in the hydrologic cycle occurs primarily through the processes of evaporation and condensation. When water evaporates from the surface of oceans, lakes, and rivers, it absorbs heat energy from the surroundings, cooling them down. As the water vapor rises and condenses to form clouds, this heat energy is released back into the atmosphere, influencing weather patterns and the overall climate.

Plants transfer water in the water cycle?

Through transpiration

Where does energy for the water cycle come from?

Source of energy is the sun.

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Where do waves transfer energy?

they transfer energy through sound water and air.

Does water cycle transfer water from one place to another?
