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you eat 3 bic macs then a xl Pizza watch some tv and yep. there you have it

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2w ago

The domino effect is a phenomenon where a change in one place triggers a similar change nearby, leading to a chain reaction. This can spread geographically as neighboring regions are influenced by the initial change. The sequential nature of the domino effect means that once one change occurs, it sets off a series of subsequent changes in a connected sequence.

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Q: How does the domino effect causes change to spread geographically and sequentially?
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Something that starts a chain reaction?

A domino falling and knocking down the next one in line is an example of something that starts a chain reaction. Once the first domino falls, it sets off a sequence of events where each subsequent domino falls as a result of the one before it.

What are the nagetive human impact on biodiversity?

Negative human impacts on biodiversity include habitat destruction through deforestation and urbanization, pollution from industrial activities and agriculture, overexploitation of species through hunting and fishing, introduction of invasive species, and climate change. These activities can lead to loss of species diversity, disruption of ecosystems, and ultimately threaten the stability of our planet's biodiversity.

The theory that indicates that destabilization in one area will eventually effect surrounding areas is?

This theory is known as the domino theory, which suggests that political instability or change in one region can set off a chain reaction resulting in similar events in neighboring areas. It was a prominent doctrine during the Cold War, particularly in relation to containing the spread of communism.

What might happen to this food web if the ecosystem it represents experienced a serious climatic change that caused most of the ecosystem's streams to dry up?

If the streams dried up, the populations of fish and aquatic invertebrates would decline due to loss of habitat. This would impact predators that rely on these species for food, potentially leading to a domino effect of species decline or shift in the food web within the ecosystem.

What is the largest Pizza chain in the world?

The largest pizza chain in the world is Domino's Pizza, with over 17,000 locations in more than 90 countries worldwide.

Related questions

What is a domino effect?

A domino effect refers to a chain reaction where one event causes a series of similar events to occur sequentially. It is often used to describe how a single action or event can lead to a cascade of consequences. The name comes from the game of dominoes, where knocking down one piece causes a chain reaction of falling pieces.

How does the domino's pizza tracker work?

The Domino's Pizza Tracker is set to change when the change is entered on a computer at your local Domino's store. After a set time, the tracker automatically advances (to help correct forgetfulness.)

Why does a domino sink in salt water?

A domino sinks in salt water because the salt water is denser than fresh water, providing more buoyant force to support the weight of the domino. The increased density of salt water makes it harder for objects to float on its surface compared to fresh water.

How do you say domino in french?

Easy peasy: domino in French translates as... domino.


He had seven sibling: *Adonica Domino, *Anatole Domino, *Andre Domino, Anola Domino, *Antoine III Domino, *Antoinette Domino, *Antonio Dominontonio Domino

When was Domino - Domino album - created?

Domino - Domino album - was created on 1993-12-07.

How did Australia respond to the domino theory?

The domino theory was a foreign policy theory, promoted by the government of the United States, that speculated that if one land in a region came under the influence of communism, then the surrounding countries would follow in a domino effect. The domino effect suggests that some change, small in itself, will cause a similar change nearby, which then will cause another similar change, and so on in linear sequence, by analogy to a falling row of dominoes standing on end. The domino theory was used by successive United States administrations during the Cold War to justify American intervention around the world. They also got bored with monoply.

What is the control variable in domino dash?

weight of domino, height and width of domino

What is plural for domino?

The plural form of "domino" is "dominoes."

The sequence of events in which each event results from the previous one and causes the next?

Domino effect or snowball effect.or chain reactions.

What store in Calgary sells domino's?

Domino's is a chain store. The store will be called, "Domino's."

What is the birth name of Tony Domino?

Tony Domino's birth name is Anthony Domino.