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Q: How does the disappearance of the Slow Loris impact the ecosystem?
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Where do slow loris get there water?

Slow lorises get their water from the food they eat, such as fruits and insects. They do not have the ability to rely on drinking water like other animals.

What ecosystem is a manatee part of?

Manatees are a part of the aquatic ecosystem, specifically found in shallow, slow-moving rivers, estuaries, coastal waters, and saltwater bays. They play a vital role in maintaining the health of their ecosystem by grazing on aquatic vegetation, which helps control plant growth and nutrient cycling.

What are some effects of a dry and cold Arctic climate?

A dry and cold Arctic climate can lead to permafrost formation, which can impact infrastructure stability and plant growth. It can also result in low biodiversity and slow decomposition rates, affecting nutrient cycling in the ecosystem. Additionally, the cold temperatures can impact animal survival and migration patterns.

Do asteroids slow down when they reach earth?

yes, as when they come into the earth spulphirical gravitationally crust it comes through our atmosphere's, and reducing the speed even sending it off course, but it still has a large impact due to the velocity and heat extracted at impact creating allot of damage depending on the shape and size.

What is a limiting factor and how does it affect an ecosystem?

A limiting factor is a factor that restricts the growth, abundance, or distribution of an organism in an ecosystem. Limiting factors can be biotic (such as food availability or predation) or abiotic (such as temperature or water availability). When a limiting factor becomes scarce, it can cause a decrease in population size or limit the overall productivity of an ecosystem.

Related questions

what is a slow loris what is a slow loris?

A slow loris is the only poisonous mammal in the world.

Why is a slow loris slow?

a slow loris is killed for its soft skin

Why is a slow loris killed?

a slow loris is killed for its soft skin

Is a slow loris a primary consumer?

Yes, a slow loris is a consumer.

When was Javan slow loris created?

Javan slow loris was created in 1812.

When was Bornean slow loris created?

Bornean slow loris was created in 1893.

What is a slow loris's scientific name?

The Slow Loris is part of the genus Nycticebus. There are three different species of Loris under the Nycticebus genus: Nycticebus Coucang, Nycticebus bengalensis and Nycticebus pygmaeus.

Is the slow loris illegal in the UK?

cause who ever was in charge is a big meanie :( who wont let me own a slow loris :'(

What is the habitat of the slow loris?


How did the slow loris adapt to the rain forest?

The slow loris adapts in the rain forest by using there tail to climb and get away from alot of there Killers

What colour is a slow loris?

light grey

What order of species is a Slow Loris?

The Slow Loris belongs to the genus Nycticebus and is a type of primate. It is classified under the order Primates and the family Lorisidae.